Researchers in the School of Interactive Arts & Technology conduct multi-disciplinary research on technology and the human experience and explore the broad implications of advanced information and media technologies. Learn about the wide range of research topics, areas and themes in SIAT as well as the cultural and disciplinary diversity of our researchers.
Research Faculty
SFU's School of Interactive Arts & Technology faculty members are engaged in research and also teach and supervise undergraduate and graduate students. Our faculty conduct innovative, multi-disciplinary research on technology, the human experience, and explore the broad implications of advanced information and media technologies.
Research by faculty and students at SIAT is notable for its interdisciplinary focus on applied and use-inspired research, as well as collaboration with other researchers and external partners. Our faculty are boundary crossers, developing new research approaches and methodologies to explore the possibilities created by the design of technology for humans. Learn about the diverse kinds of research explored at SIAT.
Research Labs
SIAT is home to many research labs or institutes led by or in participation with faculty members. These labs support collaborative research to confront key scientific and global challenges, foster creative interaction, and stimulate engagement with students and visiting scholars.