
As an SFU School of Interactive Arts & Technology graduate, you are part of a vibrant alumni community of leaders, visionaries, and innovators around the world. We value building community with our graduates and encourage our alumni to stay connected with us and to stay involved in the SIAT community.

Meet our alumni

SIAT alumni work in a variety of fields and can be found at organizations such as Facebook, Instagram, and Google. Other SIAT alumni go on to work in academis, or the creative industries, using their skills to conduct research and create meaningful interactive experiences.

Learn about what some of our outstanding alumni are up and hear about their diverse experiences at SIAT and their journeys post-graduation.

Meet our alumni

Stay connected

Stay connected with us by following our LinkedIn page and by updating your contact information to receive information about events, networking and mentorship opportunities, and to get involved with the SIAT community.

Get involved

Alumni Resources & Benefits

There are many resources and benefits available to our alumni after graduation including career development services, library services, email forwarding, and more.

Explore benefits