Advising & support

Learn how to connect with SIAT's undergraduate advising team and other SFU support services.

Academic Advising

Drop-in advising: SIAT advisors are available for in-person drop-in sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00am-12:00pm.

Booked sessions: Booked one-on-one advising appointments are available either in-person or online. See our advisors' available hours below. Appointments can be booked through Advisor Link.

Email: If you would like to ask a question over e-mail, please contact our advising team (contact information below). If you are a current student, please send your question via your e-mail address and include your SFU student number, a copy of your advising transcript, and your reason for advising.

For all advising appointments, please bring a copy of your advising transcript available at

Undergraduate Academic Advising Team

Naomi Loo

Naomi Loo

First-Year Student Advisor

Phone: 778-782-7435
Office: Room 2745, SFU Surrey Campus

Kim McKay

Kim McKay

Undergraduate Advisor

Phone: 778-782-9748
Office: Room 2745, SFU Surrey Campus

Kim advises declared IAT students with 30 or more credits. 

Kim is typically available for drop-in session Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00am-12:00pm. She is available for booked appointments Monday through Friday. To book an appointment, please schedule through Advisor Link.

Undergraduate Majors Checklist

SIAT Major Checklist.pdf
Download the checklist

Advising resources

  • SIAT grading scale
  • SFU students (grad & udergrad) can access free, immediate support 24/7 (chat or phone) with My SSP (Student Support Program).
    • Option to phone and pre-book appointments - request video, phone or in-person appointments, as well as language options. 
    • Download the My SSP app to access articles and strategies to stay healthy and connected.
    • Call 1.844.451.9700 (CAN/ US) or 001.416.380.6578 (international, charges may apply) to access My SSP by phone.

Other SFU advising & support

As an SFU student, there are additional advising and support options available to you.




Helpful SFU resources

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