
Cody Sawatsky Memorial Plaque Unveiled at the SFU Surrey Campus

March 27, 2023
From left to right: Lynn, Carson, Gary, and Shannon Sawatsky.

On Monday, March 27th, family, friends, colleagues, peers, and instructors of SIAT alumnus Cody Sawatsky gathered at the SFU Surrey campus for the dedication of a memorial plaque in his honour.

Cody Sawatsky graduated from the School of Interactive Arts & Technology in 2008 as part of one of the first cohorts to complete the program.

During his time at SIAT, he was an exemplary student with a strong passion for video game design and creation. His peers and instructors remember him for his enthusiasm, as well as for being a great leader and champion of his classmates.

Cody and his wife Laila.

After graduating from SFU, Cody began working at Electronic Arts (EA Games) where he quickly progressed to the role of video game producer—his dream job.

He frequently returned to SFU to mentor students and to share his experiences in the industry.

Cody passed away in 2016 following a diagnosis with AML leukemia and is remembered fondly by his peers and colleagues at SIAT.

The memorial plaque dedication ceremony, hosted by the Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology, was opened by a former instructor of Cody's, professor emeritus Jim Bizzocchi who shared his fond memories of Cody from his time at SIAT.

Members of Cody’s family also spoke at the event and Cody’s mother, Lynn Sawatsky, presented the Cody Sawatsky Memorial Award in Gaming to the 2022 recipient, Jonathan Newman, a SIAT student who exemplifies Cody’s passion for video game design.

Lynn and Gary Sawatsky (far left and far right) with 2017 award recipient Andrey Goncharov (middle-left) and 2022 award recipient Jonathan Newman (middle-right).

The award was established in 2017 with generous gifts from the Sawatsky family and is granted each year in memory of Cody to an exemplary SIAT student who has successfully completed gaming-related courses at SIAT.

The plaque dedicated to Cody hangs on the 3rd floor podium of the SFU Surrey campus.

Laila Testini (middle) with her children Leo and Lucia Testini and Lynn Sawatsky (left).

Learn more about Cody Sawatsky.
