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S= option, PLOT statement (PLOT)
sampling distribution
- updating
SAS/AF applications, executing
SAS catalogs
- concatenation
- copying entries "COPY Statement"
- copying entries "SELECT Statement"
- deleting entries "DELETE Statement"
- deleting entries "PROC CATALOG Statement"
- deleting entries "SAVE Statement"
- descriptions of entries, changing
- excluding entries for copying
- listing contents of
- managing entries
- printing contents, catalogs containing informats or formats
- renaming entries
- repairing
- routing output or log to catalog entries
- storing informats and formats
- switching names of two entries
- writing to transport files
SAS data libraries
- copying entire library
- copying files
- deleting files "DELETE Statement"
- deleting files "SAVE Statement"
- exchanging file names
- listing files in
- printing directories of "CONTENTS Statement"
- printing directories of "Overview"
- processing all data sets
- renaming files
- USER data library
- writing to transport files
SAS data sets
- appending "APPEND Statement"
- appending "Overview"
- appending observations to
- attribute listings
- base data set
- comparing
- comparison data set
- compressed, appending to
- content descriptions
- contents of
- creating informats and formats "Creating a Format from a Data Set"
- creating informats and formats "Overview"
- data set options
- exporting data
- importing data
- indexed, appending to
- indexes "INDEX CREATE Statement"
- indexes "Overview"
- input data sets
- integrity constraints
- modifying attributes
- modifying variables
- password-protected, appending
- password-protected, transporting
- permanent
- printing all data sets in a library
- processing all data sets in a library
- renaming variables
- repairing
- standardizing variables
- storing informat or format descriptions
- temporary
- transporting between hosts
- writing to transport files
SAS data views
SAS files
- aging
- changing attributes of
- converting "Overview"
- converting "Overview"
- copying "COPY Statement"
- copying "EXCLUDE Statement"
- copying "Overview"
- copying "Overview"
- copying "SELECT Statement"
- deleting "DELETE Statement"
- deleting "Overview"
- deleting "SAVE Statement"
- exchanging names
- exporting
- listing
- managing
- moving among environments
- passwords
- renaming "CHANGE Statement"
- renaming "Overview"
- renaming groups of
- repairing
SAS/GRAPH software, translation tables in
SAS libraries
- printing all data sets
SAS log
- default destinations
- destinations for
- displaying SQL definitions
- routing to external files
- routing to SAS catalog entries
- system options list in
SAS procedure output
- as input file
- default destinations
- destinations for
- page numbering
- routing to external files
- routing to SAS catalog entries
SAS Registry
- SEE: REGISTRY procedure
SAS system options
- changing settings
- current settings
SAVAGE option, PROC RANK statement
SAVE DATA SET window, REPORT procedure
SAVE DEFINITION window, REPORT procedure
SAVE statement
- CATALOG procedure
- DATASETS procedure
- TRANTAB procedure
SCALE= option
schedule calendars
schematic plots
SCORES= option, TABLES statement (FREQ)
SCOROUT option, TABLES statement (FREQ)
SEED= option, EXACT statement (FREQ)
SELECT clause, SQL procedure
SELECT statement
- CATALOG procedure
- CIMPORT procedure
- CPORT procedure
- DATASETS procedure
- FORMAT procedure
- SQL procedure
SELECT statement, SQL procedure
- asterisk (*) notation
SELECTION= option, ITEM statement (PMENU)
SELECTION statement, PMENU procedure
SEPARATOR statement, PMENU procedure
set operators
SET statement
SETS= option, PROC FORMS statement
SHAPE= option
Shapiro-Wilk statistic
SHEET= statement, IMPORT procedure
SHORT option
- PROC OPTIONS statement
SHOWALL option, PROC REPORT statement
SIGMA= option
sign test
simple indexes
simple kappa coefficient
simple random sample
SINGULAR= option, PROC CORR statement
singularity of variables
SKEWNESS keyword
SKIP option
- BREAK statement (REPORT)
- RBREAK statement (REPORT)
SKIP= option, PROC FORMS statement
SLIST= option, PLOT statement (PLOT)
SLOPE= option
Somers' D
SORT procedure
- ASCII order
- BY groups, displaying first observation of
- BY statement
- character variables, sorting orders for
- concepts
- EBCDIC order
- examples
- integrity constraints
- numeric variables, sorting orders for
- output
- output data set
- PROC SORT statement
- results
- reversing order of sorted values
- sorting by multiple variable values
- stored sort information
- syntax
- task table
- translation tables in
- variables specification
SORTEDBY= option, MODIFY statement (DATASETS)
- data retrieved by views
- translation tables for
sorting observations
SORTMSG option, PROC SQL statement
SORTSEQ= option
- PROC SORT statement
- PROC SQL statement
SORTSIZE= option, PROC SORT statement
SOUNDS-LIKE operator
SOURCE window, REPORT procedure
SPACE= option, CHART procedure
SPACING= option
- DEFINE statement (REPORT)
- PROC REPORT statement
SPARSE option, TABLES statement (FREQ)
Spearman correlation statistics
- Spearman partial correlation "Overview"
- Spearman partial correlation "PARTIAL Statement"
- Spearman rank-order correlation "Computing Pearson Correlations and Other Measures of Association"
- Spearman rank-order correlation "Overview"
- Spearman rank-order correlation "Statistical Computations"
SPEARMAN option, PROC CORR statement
SPLIT= option
- PLOT statement (PLOT)
- PROC PRINT statement
- PROC REPORT statement
spread of values
spreadsheets, importing
SQL components
- BETWEEN condition
- CASE expression
- column-definition
- column-modifier
- column-name
- CONTAINS condition
- DICTIONARY tables "Reporting from DICTIONARY Tables"
- EXISTS condition
- IN condition
- IS condition
- joined-table
- LIKE condition
- query-expression
- sql-expression
- summary-function
- table-expression
SQL procedure
- ALTER TABLE statement
- altering tables
- ANSI Standard and
- coding conventions
- components
- concepts
- CONNECT statement
- CREATE INDEX statement
- CREATE TABLE statement
- CREATE VIEW statement
- data set options with
- DBMS connections "Concepts"
- DBMS connections "Concepts"
- DBMS connections "CONNECT Statement"
- DBMS connections "DISCONNECT Statement"
- definitions, displaying in SAS log
- DELETE statement
- DESCRIBE statement
- DISCONNECT statement
- DROP statement
- examples
- EXECUTE statement
- FROM clause
- functions supported by
- GROUP BY clause
- HAVING clause
- indexes "CREATE INDEX Statement"
- indexes "CREATE INDEX Statement"
- indexes "DROP Statement"
- INSERT statement
- INTO clause
- macro variables set by
- missing values "Counting Missing Values with a SAS Macro"
- missing values "IS condition"
- ORDER BY clause
- PROC SQL statement
- query expressions, validating syntax
- RESET statement
- resetting options
- rows, adding to tables or views
- rows, deleting
- SELECT clause
- SELECT statement
- sending statements to DBMS
- syntax
- tables "CREATE TABLE Statement"
- tables "DROP Statement"
- tables "Overview"
- task tables "PROC SQL Statement"
- task tables "Procedure Syntax"
- UPDATE statement
- updating column values
- VALIDATE statement
- views "Concepts"
- views "CREATE VIEW Statement"
- views "DROP Statement"
- views "Overview"
- WHERE clause
SQL Procedure Pass-Through Facility
- return codes
sql-expression component
SQUARE option
SSCP option, PROC CORR statement
standard deviation
standard error of the mean
STANDARD procedure
- BY statement
- examples
- FREQ statement
- frequency of observations
- missing values
- output data set
- PROC STANDARD statement
- results
- statistical computations
- syntax
- task tables "PROC STANDARD Statement"
- task tables "Procedure Syntax"
- VAR statement
- variables, order of
- variables, specifying
- WEIGHT statement
- weights for analysis variables
standardized variables
star charts
STAR statement, CHART procedure
START statement, CALENDAR procedure
STARTAT= option, PROC REGISTRY statement
STATE= option, ITEM statement (PMENU)
statements, with same function in multiple procedures
STATES option, PLOT statement (PLOT)
statistic option, DEFINE statement (REPORT)
statistic, defined
statistical procedures
- efficiency issues
statistically significant
- computational requirements for
- descriptive statistics "Overview"
- descriptive statistics "Procedure Concepts"
- for groups of observations
- formulas for
- in tabular format
- keywords for
- measures of location
- measures of shape
- measures of variability
- normal distribution
- percentiles
- populations
- samples
- sampling distribution
- summarization procedures
- testing hypotheses
- weights
statistics procedures
STATISTICS window, REPORT procedure
STATS option, PROC COMPARE statement
STD keyword
STD= option, PROC STANDARD statement
STDDEV keyword
STDERR keyword
STDMEAN keyword
stem-and-leaf plots
STIMER option, PROC SQL statement
Structured Query Language (SQL)
- SEE: SQL procedure
Stuart's tau-c
stub-and-banner reports
Student's t distribution
Student's t statistic
- two-tailed p-value
Student's t test
STYLE= attribute, CALL DEFINE statement (REPORT)
style attributes
style definitions, ODS
STYLE= option
- BREAK statement (REPORT)
- CLASS statement (TABULATE)
- COMPUTE statement (REPORT)
- DEFINE statement (REPORT)
- KEYWORD statement (TABULATE)
- PROC REPORT statement
- PROC TABULATE statement
- RBREAK statement (REPORT)
- TABLE statement (TABULATE)
- VAR statement (TABULATE)
SUBGROUP= option, CHART procedure
SUBMENU= option, ITEM statement (PMENU)
SUBMENU statement, PMENU procedure
- correlated
- efficiency and
- versus joins
subsetting data
- from DICTIONARY tables
- in tables
- PROC PMENU statement
- RBUTTON statement (PMENU)
SUM keyword
sum of squares, corrected
sum of squares, uncorrected
sum of the weights
SUM option
- CHART procedure
SUM statement
- CALENDAR procedure
- PRINT procedure
SUMBY statement, PRINT procedure
summarization procedures, data requirements
- BREAK statement (REPORT)
- RBREAK statement (REPORT)
summary calendars
summary lines
SUMMARY procedure
- PROC SUMMARY statement
- syntax
- VAR statement
summary reports
summary-function component
sums of squares and crossproducts
SUMSIZE= option, PROC MEANS statement
SUMVAR= option, CHART procedure
SUMWGT keyword
SUPPRESS option, BREAK statement (REPORT)
SUSPEND option, AUDIT statement (DATASETS)
SWAP statement, TRANTAB procedure
SWEDISH option, PROC SORT statement
SYMBOL= option, CHART procedure
SYSINFO return code
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