default, PROC STANDARD excludes missing values for the analysis variables
from the standardization process, and the values remain missing in the output
data set. When you specify the REPLACE option, the procedure replaces missing
values with the variable's mean or the MEAN= value.
If the value of the WEIGHT variable or the FREQ variable is missing
then the procedure does not use the observation to calculate the mean and
the standard deviation. However, the observation is standardized.
PROC STANDARD always creates an output data set that
stores the
standardized values in the VAR statement variables, regardless of whether
you specify the OUT= option. The output data set contains all the input data
set variables, including those not standardized. PROC STANDARD does not print
the output data set. Use PROC PRINT, PROC REPORT, or another SAS reporting
tool to print the output data set.
Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.