Asura Enkhbayar

PhD Student
Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology

Asura Enkhbayar is an Individualized Interdisciplinary Studies PhD student and data scientist at the ScholCommLab working under the supervision of Dr. Juan Pablo Alperin.

He is interested in critically exploring the infrastructure of scholarly communication in the 21st century at the intersection of philosophy and technology. Following an undergraduate degree in electronics, he studied cognitive science and the philosophy of mind. His previous studies equipped him with the skills needed to tackle a mediatized and data-intense domain, while acknowledging the need for more qualitative work and a solid theoretical foundation. His doctoral research aims to investigate the role and impact of open infrastructure—as in the case of traditional and new research metrics, citation indices, or open access initiatives—in scholarly communication.

In his role as a data scientist he is working on a wide variety of issues related to his doctoral research, including empirical projects focusing on altmetrics, open access, and open science. Apart from collecting and analysing data, he also writes terrible research software, as expected of a proper data scientist.

He remains an advocate for open scholarship, contributes to Open Knowledge Maps and, most importantly, played the main role of Yu in the martial arts short-film The Dojo Part II. You can find him on Twitter and Github.