
2021 Emerging Leaders in Publishing Day 4 Highlights

August 26, 2021
Pictured clockwise: Kevin Hanson, Rob Firing, Ruth Linka and Adria Iwasutiak via Zoom

We launched the day with Ruth Linka, Associate Publisher at Orca Books; Adria Iwasutiak, Director of Publicity and Sales, Simon & Schuster Canada; Rob Firing, Literary Agent at Transatlantic, and Kevin Hanson to speak more about the future of publishing in acquisitions, publicity, contracts, rights, and agency. One advice for students who would like to work in marketing or communications is to make sure you are proficient with zoom. Another key insight for branding is that it is critical for a company to affirm their core values if there are any problems or public criticism.

Panelists meet over Zoom. Top row: Ryan McMahon, Emily Dundas Oke, Katie Hearn, Rania Husseini; bottom row: Matthew DiMera, Jael Richardson and Noah Genner.

Next, we had Ryan McMahon, podcaster and writer; Matthew DiMera, Founder of The Resolve; Jael Richardson, Founder and Executive Director of FOLD; Katie Hearn, Editorial Director of Annick Press; and Emily Dundas Oke, Media Manager of Massy Books, Rania Husseini, and Noah Genner to discuss about the next era of the publishing industry. One of the highlights from the conversation was about amplifying the voices of BIOPIC creators and underrepresented communities. Recently, Annick Press established a mentorship program to help elevate the voices of these communities. Another trend that is predicted to continue is having a hybrid of in-person and online events.

Lastly, we finished the summit with closing remarks from Kevin Hanson, President, and Publisher at Simon & Schuster Canada.

Thank you to all our panelists, speakers, students, attendees, and sponsor (Simon & Schuster Canada) for joining us! We hope to see everyone again at next year’s Emerging Leaders in Publishing Summit.