Frequently ASKED Questions

How to determine if I am a postdoctoral fellow affiliated with SFU?

You have received your appointment letter from SFU Human Resources and have received a SFU employee ID along with your SFU e-mail account.

What are Internal & External Postdoctoral fellows? Can I be both?

Internal postdoctoral fellows are employees of the University and their salary is provided by their supervisor's funding sources. They qualify for extended health benefits as well as statutory benefits which is provided through their supervisor.

External postdoctoral fellows are NOT employees of the University and their salary is provided directly from funding agencies (may be paid through the SFU payroll). They are able to opt-in for self-paid extended health benefits. 

And yes, you can be partially Internal and External postdoctoral fellows. The specific will be evaluated case by case when appointments are made.

Can postdoctoral fellows teach at SFU while holding a full-time postdostdoctoral appointment? 

Yes, postdoctoral fellows are allowed to teach courses at SFU as Limited Term Lecturers (LTLs). Please refer to RESOURCES section for more details to what teaching activities a postdoctoral fellow can be involve in.

What does it mean for postdoctoral fellows as SFU becomes a Living Wage employer?

SFU is committed to all of its employees as it moves to align with the commitment to equity and inclusion as a living wage employer.The calculated living wage value is $40725.40 annually for a postdoctoral fellow living in metro Vancouver. This value is in accordance with the guidelines provided by Living Wage for Families BC  and takes into account various factors such as benefits and amenities as outlined in the guidelines.  

As of July 1, 2024, all faculties and departments are asked to adjust salaries for those internal postdoctoral fellow receiving below the living wage salary. We must also note that the living wage amount is not the recommended salary and majority of postdoctoral fellows at SFU do receive salaries well above the living wage. As living wage may fluctuate annually due to economic conditions and inflation. The community will be informed every February of any revisions to the living wage value.