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" SFU is situated on the doorstep of Vancouver, a growing biotech hub in Canada, it makes it easy for companies to partner with the university on grants to fund postdoctoral research. My Mitacs Alliance fellowship being co-funded by Bold Therapeutics will give me the real-world experience that will be invaluable for eventually obtaining a career in the industry."
Postdoctoral Fellow Profile: Gregory MacNeil
Department of Chemistry Postdoctoral Fellow in the faculty of Science
I grew up in Beaver Bank, Nova Scotia and obtained my bachelor’s degree in chemistry at Mount Allison University. My honours thesis work under the supervision of the late Stephen Wescott on rhenium catalyzed hydroborations kickstarted my pursuit of a career in chemistry. I have always loved the outdoors and eventually moved out west to the mountains for my graduate studies. After a stint in the Yukon, I came back to the South Coast of BC for my current position as a Mitacs Alliance postdoctoral fellow at SFU.
Choosing to do my postdoctoral fellowship at SFU was attractive for several reasons. The chemistry department at SFU provides a great place for expanding your expertise with a great culture of collaboration and excellent access to a variety of cutting-edge instrumentation. From inductively-coupled mass spectrometers to solid state magnetic resonance spectrometers, SFU provides the opportunity to hone skills important to advancing my career in chemistry. As SFU is situated on the doorstep of Vancouver, a growing biotech hub in Canada, it makes it easy for companies to partner with the university on grants to fund postdoctoral research. My Mitacs Alliance fellowship being co-funded by Bold Therapeutics will give me the real-world experience that will be invaluable for eventually obtaining a career in the industry.
My research is focused on the development of new anticancer compounds that contain a metal atom at their core. By strategically modifying the structure of the molecules bound to the metal atom, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of how these compounds exhibit their anticancer activity. Understanding these structure-activity-relationships will allow for the synthesis of an optimized compound that, in partnership with Bold Therapeutics, we hope to eventually take to clinical trials.
Contact Gregory: gmacneil@sfu.ca