San Francisco Photos 19
ETI 5500 in EPU mode on route 5 passing a line truck working on the overhead on Market at Sutter Sts. Photo by Michael Strauch. The following tgrolley is ETI 4398. 26 JN 06.
Cable Car 23 on the last day of cable car service on the Sacramento and Clay cable car system. The apartment building in the back ground was used as a backdrop in the movie Vertigo and again in the TV series Tales of a City. The cable line was replaced with bus line 55. It was electrified as the 55 Sacramento in 1980 or 81 and about six weeks later it became part of trolley route 1. Photographer unknown. 14 FE 1942.
Boat car 228 (ex-Blackpool) is following Peter Witt ex-Milano car 1856 at the Ferry Terminal Building on the Embarcadero. Photo by Matt Lee. 6 JL 2006.
Ironmonster 915 on route 5 on McAllister St. in the central area. Needless to say, the centre island is long gone. Route 5 became a trolley in July of 1949. Photo by Robert McVay. From the collection of Peter Ehrlich. Date unknown.
During the Powell Street cable car system's ownership by the Market Street Railway (of 1921) many of its facilities including Washington-Mason Powell line's car barn and powerhouse were painted in Market Street Railway green. Muni purchased the MSRy in 1944. However as this November 8, 1953 photo (photographer unknown) shows, Washington-Mason is still in MSRy green 19-years later! Indeed it would stay green until the early 1960s when Muni cream was applied. The last of the MSRy green structures and ironically the most visible to the public.
On November 10, 1967 then U.S. Secretary of Transportation Alan S. Boyd spoke at a gala dedication of the Washington-Mason car barn and powerhouse celebrating the facility's renovation that featured an area for tourists to view the cable car power machinery, removal of outside paint to display the building's brick construction and "Ferries and Cliff House Railway" signage — the first operator of the Powell lines. This design was basically followed with the building of the current Washington-Mason during 1982-84. This photo clearly shows how times have changed. Where are the people on the sidewalk? On No. 515? Of course, the Washington-Jackson soon would be replaced by the Powell-Hyde line. Courtesy Walter Rice.
A row of brand new Twin-Coaches lead by 616 on Route 7 Haight. It appears that 616 had dewired when this photo was taken. This was the second day of service on routes 5, 6, 7, 8 and 21. The Twins were used only for a short time on the 76 and 8 before being replaced with Marmon-Herringtons. Note the outer tracks on Market, which had been abandonned. Photo by Paul Ward. Courtesy of Dave's Electric Railroads. 6 JL 1949. Submitted by Wally Young.
Ex-Newark now 1070 pulling out of Geneva Yard. The car is being tested. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 10 AU 06.
1070 at the back of Geneva Yard. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 10 AU 06.
1070 at the wye at 30th St. and Church St. The 24 Divisadero trolley line passing through here on 30th St. In the distance the single pole for double bracket arms supporting the trolley wires may be seen. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 10 AU 06.
Marmon-Herrington 684 on route 6 Masonic in front of the University of California Hospital onParnassus Ave. The name of the route was changed to 6 Parnassus in 1983.
Marmond-Herrington 847 at Presidio garage display the destination sign 30 Stockton — Sutter - Stockton. An unidentified M-H is on the left and Twin Coach 609 is on the right. The Yarder Manufacturing Co. made the card holder in front of the trolley. Photographer is unknown. Date is uncertain, probably in the early 50s. Courtesy of Dave's Electric Railroads and Paul Ward's Collection. Submitted by Wally Young.
Flyer E800 5300 in its shiny landor paint scheme. 5300 on a fan trip in this picture taken at 18th St and 3rd St. The span wire also holds trolley wires for the forthcoming T line. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 19 AU 06.
5300 on the 18th St. bridge of I-280. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 19 AU 06. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 19 AU 06.
5300 on Fulton at 27th St. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 19 AU 06. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 19 AU 06.
5300 on Fulton at 27th St, the site of a former reversing wye with the former wires drawn in. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 19 AU 06.
ETI artic 5580 climbing the hill from the "dip" at 22nd Ave. In the back ground is 5300. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 19 AU 06.
5300 at the same location as 5580 in the previous photos. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 19 AU 06.
5300 on Columbus at Broadway in front of the City Lights book store, a well-known book store. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 19 AU 06.
5300 in front of the Moscone Center on either 3rd St. or 4th St. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 19 AU 06.
5300 at Quintara St. and 14th Ave., the end of route 6. Photo Walter Rice. 19 AU 06.
St. Louie 874 on the wye at 27th Ave. and Fulton St. 874 was on a fan trip which chose to use this wye. Photographer Cameron Beach. 12 MY 1970.
Marmon-Herrington 776 is the only SF Marmon-Herrington that has been saved. It was originally 786. It was converted to 776 in connection with the American bicentennial in 1976. It was owned by private persons but Muni now has it. It is stored in a dark corner at the Presidio garage. Muni claims it does not have the funds to restore it. Here it was on a Christmas special and ran out to the 26th St. loop before returning to run up the Castro St. hill and down it under the 24 Divisadero wires. It then went down Market as an 8 Market— Ferries. I wonder if this is the only time a M-H operated over the hill on Castro? The 24 was converted in 1983, long after the Marmons were retired. Photo by Carleton Mac Donald. 5 DE 1986. Information supplied by Carleton and Steve Morgan.