Another shot of the Moloney Bridge in open position. This shot is taken from King St. In this shot the rails for the new T LRT route (Third St.) have been installed and are visible. Photo by Robert Parks. 29 DE 2005.
The base of the bridge. Track leading to the bridge is in place. Photo by Robert Parks. 29 DE 2005.
In this photo the rails at the open point of the bridge are clearly visible. Photo by Robert Parks. 29 DE 2005.
The roll-sign "Metro Shuttle" was installed on the NFI artics in the event they were needed to replace LRVs in the tunnel. It is not known if this roll sign has ever been used. If there is a planned shut down, diseasel buses are used. If the stoppage is sudden, then trolleys are taken off nearby routes to replace the LRVs. Photo by Matt Lee. Date uncertain.
Marmon Herrington 776 on route 9 Richland at Crescent and Murray Sts. 776 is a preserved trolley and was selected to commemorate the Bicentenial festivities — the number is missing "1" from "1776." 776 rarely sees outings. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. Date unkown, but it could have been taken 1976.
Marmon Herrington 776 with a Christmas wreath. It appears to be climbing Castro past the terminus of 8 Market at Castro. The trolley is probably on a fan trip and is posing here for the photographer. Photographer unknown. 1984.
Unidentified Flyer E800 and historic streetcar 150 at the Transbay Loop. Photo by Jim Holland. 1984.
ETB 900 7054 on route 30 at Stockton and Washington Sts. on its way to the 4th and Folsom short turn or to Jefferson loop. This trolley is supporting its original paint scheme. Photo by Matt Lee. 23 JA 05.
ETB 900 7054 on route 30 at Stockton and Columbus on its way to the North Point terminus. Here it is Supporting the second paint scheme. Photo by Matt Lee. 14 JA 06.
Marmon Herrington 837 soon after the 30 Stocton trolley replaced the F carline. From the Collection of Paul West. Submitted by Wallace Young. Photographer unknown. 1951.
Twins on Market headed by 616 shortly after the 5, 6, 7, 8 and 21 had converted to trolleybuses. The Twins didn't last long on routes 6 and 7 being replaced by the Marmons. From the Collection of Paul Ward. Submitted by Wallace Young. Photographer unknown. 1949.
Flyer E800 on Market St. at Mason St. on Route 6 Parnassus. Photo by Zack Willhoite. 15 AP 2005.
Unidentified Marmon Herrington inbound on route 30 Stockton on Stockton St. near Post St. Photo by Harre Demoro. Submitted by Cameron Beach. The date is in the early 50s, as the F line was converted to trolleys early in 1951, and the streetcar tracks of the F line are still in place and Stockton is still a two-way street. When converted to a one-way street, the out bound wires were moved to Kearny St. and to Sutter from Kearny to Stockton.
PCC 1063 at the Castro terminus of the F line. Behind it is the Pacific Electric car. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 3 MR 06.
The street entrance of Muni's Forest Hills station near Twin Peaks. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 3 MR 06.
Another shot of the Forest Hills station. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 3 MR 06.
E800 Flyer 5277 at the terminus of route 6 Parnassus. E800 5324 is behind 5277. This is one of the last photos of the E800s in revenue service. On this day there were more ETIs on routet 6 than E800s. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 3 MR 06.
Another shot of 5277. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 3 MR 06.
5277 and 5327 at the terminus. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 3 MR 06.
Twin Coach 643 at the Playland terminus. Playland is long gone. The terminus has been moved twice. Today it is closer to . Date could be 1961. Photographer Cameron Beach.
This page last updated 8 MR 2006