SFU Policies

There are multiple internal SFU policies that would be directly relevant to any research project. Familiarity with a selection of these policies creates a solid foundation from which a research proposal can be built. The complete record of SFU policies relating to research can be found in the Policy Gazette.

On this page

Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment

Policy GP37 Lays out the framework for members of the university community to disclose real, potential or perceived conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment - a necessary precursor to research and other university activity. Includes a separate procedure for US Funding (Financial Conflict of Interest - FCOI)

View Policy GP37

Agreements (Contracts) 

Policy R10.01 sets out the criteria for the approval and execution of external Research Funding Agreements. It focuses on roles and responsibilities and the risk management  processes required to support effective and informed decision-making. It also addresses required overhead

View Policy R10.01

Certificates and compliance

Guiding policies that provide the framework for safe and ethical research performed to the highest standards.

Intellectual Property

Policy R30.03 describes SFU's approach to and management of the intellectual property developed as a result of intellectual or creative activity.

View Policy R30.03

Sponsor-related IP terms

Some research funders require additional considerations around intellectual property. For MITACS internship programs, SFU has developed its own IP terms that are applied for all projects receiving MITACS funding.

View SFU MITACS IP terms

Research Centres and Institutes

Policy R40.01 defines Research Centres and Research Institutes, establishes the intended scope of their activities, determines their rights and responsibilities, and outlines the procedures for their operation.

View Policy R40.01

Research Personnel

This suite of policies that detail research-related appointments that do not fall within SFU's bargaining units.

View Policy R50.XX

Responsible Conduct of Research

Establishes SFU's expectations for the conduct of research activity, and details the processes for addressing allegations. This policy aligns with the federal Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research.

View Policy R60.01