Start-up Funding

New Faculty Start-Up Grant (Assistant Professors) and Faculty Recruitment Grants (Associate Professors and Professors) are available to equip new continuing faculty members with the start-up funding to assist them in getting their research started at Simon Fraser University. Instructors pending receipt of their PhD are entitled to these grants, but cannot apply until receipt of their Doctorate and appointment as an assistant professor.

The NFSG and FRG policies are found below:

New Faculty Start-up Grant Policy

Faculty Recruitment Grant Policy

The process to apply for an NFSG or FRG is the following:

  1. Please complete the NFSG or FRG claim form and gather all required signatures.
  2. Once completed and signed, please send the form to your Faculty Dean’s Office for approval.
  3. Your Faculty Dean’s Office will then submit your NFSG or FRG application to SFU’s Research Services (ORS) for review of your application.

Questions about the application process can be directed to your Faculty Dean’s Office.

For more information on each of these programs, please see: New Faculty Start-Up Grants And Faculty Recruitment Grants.