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Quick Start Guide
Post Approval Review Program

Regardless of funding, if you are a SFU Principal Investigator (PI) using vertebrates, certain invertebrates (e.g. Cephalopods), and fish, for any research purpose (including observation of animals), a valid animal care protocol is required (even if the work is being done at another institution).

Quick Start Guide

  1. Step One: Apply for any required permits, such as Level 2 Biohazard, and submit the Animal Use Protocol Form for approval by the University Animal Care Committee.

  2. Step Two: Ensure all persons named on the application have taken or are registered to complete the online Animal User Training course (CCAC Modules). 

  3. Step Three: After the protocol has been approved, contact the Animal Care Services Manager, to discuss your study and space allocation needs, to arrange for facility orientation and training, and to arrange for facility access and ordering.

  4. Step Four: Contact Animal Care Services to order materials and supplies, and arrange for technical services. All animal orders, including aquatic species, must be done through the ACS Manager. The deadline for orders is 12:00 noon Thursday. Most shipments will be recieved the following week. Our policy is to allow an acclimatization period of 7 days, post-arrival, before starting your study. Please keep this in mind when placing your order.

Request to Import Animals from Commercial SitesSFU Animal Order Form

Request to Import Animals from Non-Commercial Sites: Contact the facility that is exporting the animals to request copies of health reports and facility procedural outlines as outlined on our forms. 

Request to Export Animals to Other Facilities: Contact the receiving facility for clear guidelines on what paperwork they require. Our quarterly Health Reports and a Facility Outline are available upon request.

Request to Transfer Animals within SFU/ProtocolAnimal Transfer Form

Post Approval Review Program

As per the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) and SFU University Animal Care Committee (UACC), all animal use protocols approved by the SFU UACC are subject to regular Post Approval Reviews. 

These reviews comprise a combination of veterinary and UACC site visits and annual assessment of the work conducted under the animal use protocol.

The goals of this annual assessment are as follows:

  1. To ensure that ‘best practices’ regarding experimental techniques and animal care are maintained, to help continue to improve animal care and research standards at SFU;
  2. To identify areas where protocol amendments may be needed;
  3. To work closely with the Principal Investigator (PI) and laboratory team to facilitate research; and
  4. To help your research group understand and comply with the expectations of the UACC at SFU.

The annual assessment (checklist) is now included as part of the annual renewal form, and must be completed to ensure continued approval of the animal use protocol. Some aspects of the animal work may be carried out by Animal Care Services staff, and so we may have checked some questions that pertain to their services in order to facilitate your completing this form. However, please ensure that the form is complete and correct. If you have any questions about completing the form then please contact the UACC Coordinator.

Protocol Annual Renewal Form -  Lab Based (PDF)

Protocol Annual Renewal Form - Field Based (PDF)