Faculty of Education Profiles: 2020

The Faculty of Education aims to improve the practice of teaching, and the process of learning. The faculty is committed to advancing knowledge and dedicated to research and scholarly inquiry. Through our international initiatives, students gain valuable academic and cultural insights, knowledge and skills for success in the global community.

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  • Robline is examining how online interaction create challenges to from non-dominant cultures who are enrolled in post-secondary online education. (Graduate Dean Entrance Scholarship & NEIHR Network Doctoral Scholarship )

  • Denise is a PhD student who is passionate in exploring holistic healing and transformation that have ensure the survival of Indigenous people throughout millennia. (BC Graduate Scholarship 2020, SSHRC CGS Doctoral Scholarship, GPS Graduate Fellowship)

  • Kathleen PhD thesis looks toward picturebooks as rich sites for exploring more-than-human relationality through a queer worlding framework. (SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship)

  • Qiang is a Mathematics Education PhD student researching the multiple lenses of mathematics education. (Graduate Dean Entrance Scholarship)

  • Carolyn is a PhD student that is working towards changing the educational system and the education programs to help future generations with their education. (Graduate Entrance Scholarship)