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The guide below includes the steps and policies normally required as per the Graduate General Regulations. Requests for exceptions to these for extenuating circumstances can be made by the supervisor or graduate chair to the Associate Dean, Academics in writing to defence@sfu.ca.
- You must be registered in order to defend/graduate.
- You may apply to graduate through SIMS.
IMPORTANT: the deadline to apply to graduate is not the same as the library thesis submission deadline. Students can apply to graduate at any time in what is planned to be their final term of graduate studies.- It is a straightforward process to withdraw your application, but more challenging to add you to the graduation list after the deadline.
- If you complete your degree requirements during the first calendar month of the term, you may be eligible for an early completion refund. You do not need to formally apply for this. More information can be found on the Degree Completion page.
Oral Examination: Master's
Degree Completion Timeline
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6-8 months before your intended date of defence Present your supervisor and your supervisory committee members with an outline of your thesis and notify them of your intention to defend your thesis in 6-8 months' time. Review your thesis progress regularly with your supervisor. |
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8-10 weeks before intended date of defence Consult with your supervisor and committee to ensure that they have read your thesis and agree that you are ready for defence. |
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4-6 weeks before intended date of defence Assist your graduate program assistant with completing all required forms. You should also apply to graduate (if you haven’t already done so). |
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4 weeks before intended date of defence Your academic unit submits master's forms and abstract to Graduate Studies. See Graduate General Regulation 1.9.2. |
Thesis examinations are open to the University community.
Tip: We strongly recommend that you attend other defences in your academic unit so that you know what to expect during your defence.
Below, we've outlined the basic steps you'll go through to prepare for your defence. You are only responsible for checking that technology requirements, if needed, are ordered by your academic unit. Please note that you should have no direct contact with the external examiner or the examining committee regarding the thesis.
Best Practices
Elements of a successful thesis defence include:
- The first thing the external examiner assesses you on is your thesis: how you craft and round out your thesis matters; it is the basis of a first impression
- understand and prepare for the four possible examination outcomes
- know yourself; demonstrate that you are the subject expert for your thesis in a professional manner
- know your audience; in addition to the panel of experienced mentors (the examination committee) you may also find members of the public in attendance
- develop the structure of your oral presentation in consultation with your supervisor - it may include the following:
- hypothesis
- scope & depth
- comprehensive, and/or with a potential focus on particular chapter(s)
- new knowledge generated
- future research
- practice your oral presentation (timing, length, pace, aids)
- by memorizing your opening statement
- in the examination environment, if possible, and in front of your supervisor, group members, and friends
- with those who will provide objective critical feedback - then critique the feedback, and consider presentation adjustments
- by memorizing your opening statement
- develop questions about your thesis work from your oral presentation and/or the thesis itself (these questions may be your own or come from others)
- it is normal that changes and/or edits to the thesis may be required after your defence; the manner in which the thesis is revised is a reflection of your behavior, your potential as a colleague/collaborator/mentor/leader, and is on file permanently in the library
What to Bring
You only need to bring your thesis and presentation notes. Your Graduate Program Assistant (GPA) should be consulted to ensure that the following will be available:
- Copies of your thesis abstract for the audience at your defence. Some information about yourself may also be included with your abstract, such as previous credentials, list of publications, list of awards.
- Appropriate audio-visual or videoconferencing equipment, if required to support your presentation.
- Water and cups for you and the examination committee. (Additional refreshments may be ordered at the discretion of your academic unit)
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At the start of the defence the chair will introduce you and all members of the examining committee. The chair will also outline the procedures that are to be followed during the defence. |
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You will give your oral presentation of your thesis research. It is expected that this will not exceed 20-25 minutes (a typical conference paper length). |
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Two rounds of questioning will begin with the external examiner, followed by the examiner and supervisory committee members. The supervisor normally asks questions last. Each person may ask multiple questions during their turn. Once the second round of questioning is done, the chair will ask if there are any other questions from the committee. The exam will continue until all committee members are satisfied. |
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The chair will invite questions from the audience. Once the questions from the audience have been completed, the chair will ask you and the audience to leave to room. The committee will make a decision to classify the thesis according to the outcomes referenced in GGR 1.10.2. |
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After the committee has made their decision, you will be invited to return to the room to be given the results of your defence, and if any significant revisions are required. Your supervisor should ensure that any annotated copies of the thesis are passed to you to help with revisions (if required). |
The second and third outcomes cited in Graduate General Regulation 1.10.2 both involve revisions, and can be subject to interpretation.