Minor Building Alterations & Equipment Installations

Minor building alterations, equipment installations and other services that falls outside the regular maintenance plan is considered a departmental service. Departmental services are those services for which Facilities Services does not receive budget allocation and which must be funded by the requesting department.

Submitting your Minor Building Alteration or Equipment Installation Request

To submit a Minor Building Alteration, Equipment Installation Request, members of the Burnaby campus community will:

  • Submit an online Facilities Request. To ensure that your request is processed in a timely fashion, include detailed information regarding your request. This form generally describes the required work, where and when the work is to take place and the customer contact information.  If any issues are encountered with the online Facilities Request form, please contact and provide as much detail about the issue as possible.
  • The online Facilities Request form also requests information on how the project will affect energy use of the building e.g is the project adding electricity powered equipment or air-conditioning, and if so, what is the estimated additional energy load? This information is requested in an effort to better account for energy use and to support energy conservation efforts.

Upon receipt of the Facilities Request, the Facilities Services department will:

  • Ensure that the customer is sent an email notice confirming that the request has been received and is being processed.
  • The Facilities Services department will evaluate the requested work

Work deemed under $1500

If work is deemed under $1500, no estimate is provided and the job will be assigned directly to the Facilities shops without the need for planning, estimating and further approvals. Work will commence as soon as trades personnel and materials are available. The purpose of th policy is to complete jobs expeditiously.

  • The Facilities shop will perform the requested service as per instructions and detailed information provided on your request. Please provide Facilities Services with a minimum of 5 working days' notice and we will make every possible effort to ensure that your deadline can be met.
  • The Facilities shop will contact the customer if any schedule or scope of work conflicts arise from the request.
  • A charge account number authorizing the work to proceed is required.
  • The customer will receive an email when the work is complete.
  • The customer may query online the costs related to the request.