Creamy Wild Rice Soup
With Spruce Tips
Spruce trees are evergreens that grow in boreal regions. Almost every part of the spruce trees, in varying stages of growth, can be used as a resource for Indigenous peoples. This recipe uses dried spruce tips, but other uses include: Spruce tea, which relieves coughing sore throats and chests, and is made by boiling spruce cones and straining. Sticky gum is the clear sticky sap that can be found on spruce trees—it is used to soothe irritated skin, heal cuts, and reduce the chance of infection. Spruce gum can be chewed like a piece of gum and the juice can be swallowed. It is also used to draw out slivers.
Wild rice is a nutty flavoured grain that is ideal for pairing with wild game, or serving in casseroles. Today most commercial production of lake and river rice is centered in Canadian regions. Wild rice is a semi aquatic grass that grows with abundance in the North American Great Lakes Region.
Teetl'it Gwich’in Language Lesson
Spruce cone | Dineedzil