Prospective Graduate Students

Ready to take your degree to the next level?

Be part of the next generation of environmental scientists! The School of Environmental Science will launch a brand new Master of Science (MSc) in Environmental Science degree in Fall 2025.

Our program will provide students an interdisciplinary learning environment that will offer the knowledge, critical thinking, and scientific research skills necessary to tackle present and future environmental problems. As a graduate student in the School of Environmental Science, you will join a community of passionate and like-minded researchers who strive to solve the most pressing environmental issues of our time. Our research areas can be divided into two areas:

  • Physical Sciences:
    • Arctic science, carbon cycling, climatic controls on landscape evolution, climate change, coastal marine science, earth system science, (eco)geomorphology, environmental change over the Holocene, extreme events (storms, tsunamis, earthquakes), fluvial geomorphology, ocean acidification, paleoclimatology, paleoecology, paleoceanography, physics of sediment transport, post-wildfire environments, resource management, river dynamics, sedimentology, water security, watershed-scale sediment dynamics
  • Ecological Sciences:
    • Anthropogenic stressors, community ecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental data (statistical) analysis, marine and terrestrial species at risk, meta-ecosystem ecology, modelling

Program Profile:

  • Mentorship-based, in-person research training
  • All students complete 30 units of graduate courses which include:
    • 1 Research Methods Course 
    • 1 Research Seminar Course 
    • 2 Elective Courses 
    • Master thesis 
  •  Students will complete in 2 years
  • Funding could be available, depending on the supervisor

Applications will open in May 2025 for Fall 2025 (domestic students) and Spring 2026 (domestic and international students). Sign up below to receive updates on the launch of our program. 

What is your highest level of education?

Simon Fraser University collects and retains prospects, applicant and student personal information under the authority of the University Act [R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468, s. 27(4)(a)]. The information is related directly to and needed by the University for the purposes of recruiting, admissions, and being a member of the Simon Fraser University community. The information will be used to send out information on the School of Environmental Science Gradaute programs.  If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact Graduate Admissions and Recruitment at SFU School of Environmental Science,