Environmental science

Environmental Science is a unique program that provides students with a broad understanding of the environment underpinned by a strong foundation in science. The program combines several academic approaches to facilitate critical interpretation and evaluation of studies on current environmental issues impacting humans and ecosystems. Students are encouraged to examine the social, economic and political contexts for these environmental issues, including legislative framework for management actions, and role of stake-holders in decision making.

The Undergraduate Environmental Science program offers both Major and Honours options leading to a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree. Students must meet requirements for the BSc degree as described in the Environmental Science section of the SFU Calendar, and are urged to seek advice from the Academic Advisor early in their university careers with regard to the structuring of their individual programs. 

Please book an appointment with your advisor via the Advisor Link to better plan your degree. 

Environmental Science Major

As a first year undergraduate student you are enrolled in the General Environmental Science stream. You will have the opportunity to either continue in this stream or chose any one out of the five specific streams to dig deeper into the research area that interests you the most. 

environmental science honours

The School of Environmental Science offers a Bachelor of Science (BSc) honours program for students who are interested in undertaking an independent research project, under the supervision of a SFU faculty member. 


What do i want my education to look like?

There are so many opportunities and ways to customize your education at SFU, that it can be tough to keep track of which ones you want to do and when to start preparing for them! Below is an example of the timeline of priorities for a student majoring in Environmental Science to keep you on track with your program and the core EVSC courses, as well as when to start researching and applying for the most popular educational opportunities on offer.

You can find more info about these opportunities by looking through the resources available here on our website and by connecting with our Academic Advisor via the Advising Link.