What is a StreaM?

Streams offer course selections tailored to foster specialized skills and knowledge. There are many aspects of Environmental Science to learn about, and some students want to dive deeper into the specific subjects they are most interested in. Other students have a wide range of interests within Environmental Science that they would like to explore. The six streams in this program allow you to customize your education and study the aspect of Environmental Science that is most engaging to you! 

As an Environmental Science undergraduate student, you will automatically be enrolled in the General Environmental Science stream when you begin your program. You will have the option to either complete your degree in the General Environmental Science stream or choose any one of the other five specific streams to enroll in.

Please book an appointment with your advisor via the following Advising Link to discuss the best possible options for you. 

Declaring your stream

When should I declare my stream?

All students start the program in the General Environmental Science stream. If you want to complete your degree in any of the other five specific streams you should declare as soon as possible. Students are recommended to declare specific streams by the end of their second year. 

Why should I declare my stream?

If you don't want to continue in the General Environmental Science stream, declaring the one you do want to continue in allows you to have easier course planning and a more accurate graduation date.

How can I declare my stream?

Declaring your stream is now as easy as clicking a button! All you have to do is submit the following Stream Declaration Form.

Specific Streams

Applied Biology 

Applied Biology Stream

This stream is for students interested in the impacts of human activities on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This stream is accredited by the British Columbia College of Applied Biology for the Registered Biologist (RPBio) designation.  

Environmental Archaeology 

Environmental Archaeology stream

Learn to examine and analyze a combination of archaeology and environmental science to understand the long-term relationship between cultural change and the environment. Students will be part of a unique program, as it is the first of it's kind in Canada.

Note - this stream will be removed from the Environmental Science Major in Summer 2025. Current students please contact the Environmental Science academic advisor for more information.

Environmental Earth Systems 

Environmental Earth Systems stream

This stream is for students interested in an integrative understanding of environmental processes and earth systems. Students develop technical skills in quantitative research and use technology to analyze spatial data.

Environmental Science General

General Environmental Science Stream

This stream is for students who wish to explore the broad field of environmental science, without specializing in any one area. This provides students with the flexibility to pursue their own interests across environmental disciplines.


Environmetrics stream

This stream is for students interested in environmental data analysis, sampling design and monitoring.  

Water Science 

Water Science Stream

This stream is for students interested in water resources in the context of Earth’s changing climate. Students receive training in hydrology, climatology, glaciology and aquatic sciences.