Honours Thesis Application Form

The Undergraduate Honours program in Environmental Science is intended for students who are interested in undertaking an independent research project, under the supervision of SFU faculty.

Students must follow the steps outlined on the Honours Thesis how-to page and fill out the application below. Once a supervisor and application have been accepted the student will be enrolled in courses EVSC 489 and 490W according to the timeline they have indicated in the form. Any changes to the approved timeline should be communicated to evscadv@sfu.ca as soon as possible.

Submit your proposal to the School of Environmental Science

Download the document below, fill in all the sections, and upload the completed proposal.

Download Honours Thesis Proposal document here
The total size of uploaded attachments can be no larger than 15MB
The file will be received by evscadv@sfu.ca. Forward any questions or concerns to this email


Fill in all sections below

Student Information
Supervisor information
Timeline information
e.g. Fall 2025
e.g. Spring 2026
(e.g. Does your supervisor require you to do an oral presentation? A thesis defense? If none type in N/A)