Student Life

Find out how you can get involved with the SFU Environmental Science Community:

Find out some of the experiential learning opportunities:

  • All of our Environmental Science students complete their program with an applied research-based 'Capstone' course in colloboration with CityStudio and City of Vancouver. In this final-year course, students integrate their disciplinary science backgrounds to solve real-world environmental problems. 


"I believe that Environmental Science is a valuable area of study with the ongoing changes that are occurring within our planet"

“A career in law could allow me to follow my environmental passion and utilize my scientific background, while also addressing the social justice issues.”

“I didn’t fully understand the work a scientist would do so it was difficult to picture myself as one. After I took an environment course, I realized where my true passions lie.”

"Xuzheng's advice to anyone thinking of transferring to the Environmental Science is "know your goal, just do it, and enjoy!"

"We need more research in the Environmental Science area to better protect our endangered species from known dangers"

"I’m interested in learning about the interactions between organisms and environment. I hope that I can be a part of maintaining the planet’s biodiversity and ecosystems."

During her first year at SFU, Tesicca became the youngest member on the Mayor of City of Vancouver’s Engaged City Task Force. 

"The Environmental Science Program set me up well for a research career. I am extremely grateful for these experiences"

"After graduation, I am moving out east to work as an Air Quality Scientist with an environmental consulting company. I'm excited to work with industry and government partners"

"My choice to study Environmental Science was purely driven by my interest in the subject"

"The environmental science program has been an incredible, transformative, and educational journey"

“I am happy to be an Environmental Science student as it introduced me to different concepts and helped me find the area of research I am most interested in"