Renovate the Public Hearing

Close up of a microphone

Renovate the Public Hearing is an initiative created by the Centre for Dialogue to act as a convener and catalyst to pilot changes to the provincial local government land-use public hearing requirements as a means to enhance social justice, community-building and strengthen democratic culture.

Renovate the Public Hearing's goal is to improve municipal efficiencies and increase trust in democracy by identifying evidence-based recommendations for revising the British Columbia's Local Government Act public hearing requirements to create stronger public engagement practices, supports for reconciliation and more effective local government pre-development approval processes.

Convened by the Simon Fraser University Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Renovate the Public Hearing is a collaborative initiative partnering with the British Columbia Law Institute, City Hive and funded primarily by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Housing Supply Challenge.

Affiliated Fellow

Latest Report

Town of Gibsons Residents Assembly

RPHI partnered with the Town of Gibsons to convene a Residents Assembly, a representative body of 25 residents selected through a civic lottery, who provided feedback to Council on the Town of Gibsons’ Official Community Plan (OCP) update.

Designed and facilitated by RPHI through a public-non-profit partnership between RPHI and the Town of Gibsons, this assembly is a national and international case study offering possibilities for a more upstreamed, democratic and inclusive approach to community and land use planning.

RPHI's Report on the Gibsons Assembly details the assembly process and learnings, and explains how the feedback and insights from Assembly Members ultimately shaped a set of recommendations for the Town of Gibsons’ new OCP that showcase the values of their community and thoughtfully answer the question: “How can Gibsons best plan for the future and meet the housing needs of our growing population?”