Mitigating Wildfire

A cultural burn during the winter in Central B.C.; there is a small burn area with very little flame in the middle of brown grass, some snow on the ground and a hand holding a small stick with flame

The Mitigating Wildfire Initiative facilitates dialogue and collaboration to identify and advance solutions that address the fundamental changes happening in wildfire risk and management in British Columbia. 

Our collective experience of wildfire is shifting in a critical way. It is no longer a matter of fire or no fire, but rather a question of how we will have our fire. Land use decisions, a century of aggressive suppression and historic banning of cultural burning have deprived fire-dependent landscapes of healthy, regular burning for 150 years. Further, climate change impacts are exacerbating wildfire risk, contributing to more frequent and severe fires.

Out-of-control mega fires are catastrophic to humans and to ecosystems. They threaten communities, health, livelihoods, conservation areas, cultural assets, and industries such as forestry. They further jeopardize our future through staggering carbon emissions (bad fire years emit triple BC’s annual emissions) that in turn accelerate future climate risk. 

Our purpose is to support dialogue and collaboration among governments, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, rights-holders, tenure-holders, knowledge-holders and other impacted groups in collectively addressing the root causes of catastrophic wildfire while also supporting community well-being, upholding Indigenous stewardship and increasing the resilience of our forests. Throughout this work, the Mitigating Wildfire initiative will provide a platform to hear from those most impacted by wildfire and will strive to ground discussions in community and Indigenous values.

We have the important opportunity to fundamentally restructure our relationship with fire. In addressing the risk of catastrophic wildfire, we can:

  • Manage our landscapes to integrate many values (cultural, conservation, economic, health, resilience, recreational etc)
  • Focus on proactive and mitigatory approaches that will lessen carbon emissions and increase protection for communities
  • Work to meaningfully implement the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, building up co-governance models and supporting Indigenous land and fire stewardship
  • Build out community engagement and ensure that tenure holders, community members and impacted parties are able to help shape decisions that affect them
  • Re-consider how we will navigate co-existing with fire, shifting from conceptions of fire as “bad” to recognizing that prescribed fire and cultural fire are key tools to building more fire resilient landscapes and communities


How we address the root causes of catastrophic wildfire will greatly impact the continued viability of communities across BC and our ability to successfully conserve natural ecosystems and cultural practices.

Considering this, Indigenous Peoples, impacted communities, government agencies, researchers, rights-holders and tenure-holders across multiple sectors are working to identify and advance a range of solutions. Given the challenging context of this massive and complex issue, there is a clear need to:

  • Convene dialogue among many interested parties
  • Assist communities, stakeholders and decision-makers in navigating trade-offs and real-world constraints
  • Build consensus towards actionable solutions and create pathways for a shared agenda going forward

Ultimately, the Mitigating Wildfire Initiative aims to support decision-makers and leaders from across BC to navigate the complexities and tradeoffs of our collective emerging reality. We aim to provide a vehicle for engaging a range of collaborators in a respectful, relational, generative process to identify and advance recommended solutions.

Three Streams

To ensure an approach that aptly addresses the complexity and scale of wildfire mitigation, objectives are being pursued through three programming streams:

  • Systems-Based: Addressing systemic and thematic policy issues that require collaboration and strategic alignment between jurisdictions
  • Indigenous-Led: Supporting meaningful inclusion of Indigenous knowledge and governance, and supporting effective collaboration among Indigenous and non-Indigenous governments
  • Place-Based: Ensuring integration of on-the-ground knowledge and applicability of solutions to different geographical contexts

For media and other inquiries related to the Mitigating Wildfire Program and our work during this season, please reach out to Associate Director Yolanda Clatworthy.

Catastrophic Wildfire: A Whole Society Problem

This graphic was created by the Mitigating Wildfire Initiative (SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue) out of a 2023 Dialogue on Strategic and Collaborative approaches to Mitigating Wildfire. The artist is Kara Sievewright.



Project Team

The role of the project team is to create the frameworks and relationships for successful implementation of the Mitigating Wildfire Initiative, and to lead and coordinate the delivery of various projects in collaboration with partners. 

Advisory Committee

The mandate of the Mitigating Wildfire advisory committee is to provide oversight and strategic guidance for the design, planning and implementation of the Mitigating Wildfire Initiative, as well as to assist with outreach and partnership development.

Advisory committee members posing outside in the winter
Not pictured: Francis Johnson and Kevin Kriese
Dr. Kelsey Copes-Gerbitz headshot
Joe Gilchrist headshot
Dr. Kira Hoffman headshot
Francis Johnson headshot
Kevin Kriese headshot
Garnet Miereau headshot
Arjun Singh headshot

Thank You

We are proud to partner with a variety of Canadian philanthropists and philanthropic organizations that provide us with the majority of our funding. Our supporters include:

  • Bruce and Lis Welch Community Endowment
  • Co-operators
  • First Nations’ Emergency Services Society
  • Max Bell Foundation
  • McConnell Foundation 
  • Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Canada
  • Outward Bound Canada
  • Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions
  • Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Forests
  • Province of British Columbia, Wildfire Service

We also wish to thank an anonymous donor who supports climate action and community economic resiliency.

Please contact Stephanie Shack, Senior Associate Director of Advancement at if you would like to discuss funding opportunities to support the Mitigating Wildfire Initiative.

We at the Mitigating Wildfire Initiative are continually exploring how to better nurture innovation and solution-seeking, increase sharing of knowledge and practices, and work toward collaborative, strategic approaches to mitigating catastrophic wildfire. We welcome inputs from diverse actors: contact Associate Director Yolanda Clatworthy with any questions.