About Carbon Talks

From 2010 to 2017, Carbon Talks accelerated the shift to a low-carbon economy. We looked for those windows of opportunities where “carbon shifts“ were possible. These could be opportunities identified by a business, an industrial association or a government department but where all the pieces might not be in place to move to concerted action. Carbon Talks convened the right people around the table to put the pieces together. It was the glue that moved groups from intent to action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The transition to a low carbon economy is inevitable. If Canada is to remain globally competitive, it must accelerate the shift from a carbon intensive economy to an economy that is more diversified and recognizes the costs of natural capital.

Government cannot be expected to engineer this shift alone. The climate conferences in Copenhagen and Cancun have demonstrated that governments cannot deliver the decisive action necessary to reduce global GHG emissions. We need to develop new forms of leadership within business, civil society and academia to work with government to create the enabling environment for moving forward.

Carbon Talks provided the platform to discuss, define and manage the transition to a low-carbon economy. It created spaces for dialogue – not debate – spaces which help people to think creatively, consider alternatives, and develop practical solutions that are viable, cost-effective and sustainable.

Carbon Talks Team

Michael Small
Executive Director

Keane Gruending
Communications Manager

Betsy Agar
Research Manager

Kathryn Sheps
Operations Manager and Dialogue Convenor

Angela Paley
Program Assistant

Shauna Sylvester
Centre for Dialogue Director

Carbon Talks Advisors

Michael Adams

Candis Callison
School of Journalism, UBC

Don Drummond
School of Policy Studies, Queen's University

John Harriss
School for International Studies, SFU

Mark Jaccard
School of Resource and Environmental Management, SFU

Bruce Lourie
Ivey Foundation

Sandra Odendahl

Jeff Reading
Climate Change Central

Nicole Rycroft

Daniel Shapiro
Beedie School of Business, SFU

Enid Slack
Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance

Merran Smith
Tides Canada Energy Initiative

Coro Strandberg
Strandberg Consulting

Jeff Westeinde
Quantum Murray LP

John Wiebe

Mark L. Winston
Centre for Dialogue

Collaborators & Funders


  • City of Vancouver
  • City of Calgary
  • Climate Change Emissions Management Corporation
  • Canada School of Energy and Environment
  • Vancity
  • Sustainable Prosperity
  • Evergeen
  • Toronto Atmosphere Fund
  • BC Hydro


  • Real Estate Foundation of BC
  • Simon Fraser University
  • North Growth Foundation
  • The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS)

We would like to thank our former interns, co-op, and work study students for their support:

Benita Kangas
Communications Assistant

Alexandra Doran
Research Assistant

Craig Busch
Research Assistant

Ashley Knapp
Research Assistant

Molly Henry
Research Assistant

Claire Havens
Program Manager/Policy Analyst

Anthony Hoang
Research Assistant

Christina Burns
Research Assistant

Maria Lee
Graphic Designer and Research Assistant

Carl Cantelon
Research Assistant

Elodie Jacquet
Dialogue Convenor and Program Coordinator

Kristin Johansson

Stephanie Domingo
Research Assistant

Aateka Shashank
Social Media Coordinator and Research Assistant

Scott Young
Research Associate

Christopher Gully

Anderson Kehbila
Communications Officer

Terry Qiu
Research Assistant

Nils Westling
Research Assistant and Blogger

Tia Alexander
Research Assistant

Chris Westendorf
Communications Officer

Kayla Van Egdom
Research Assistant and Writer

Zannatul Ferdous
Research Assistant

Ritika Dhirmalani
Research Assistant

Alyssa Bigiolli
Research Assistant

Justin Chen
Research Assistant

Marissa Lawrence

Tom Malcolm
Business Development Analyst

Maria Oliveira
Research Assistant

Sebastian Merz

Joseph Leblanc
Research Assistant

Amid Sedghi
Research Assistant

Hong He
Research Assistant

Elissa Pham
Research Assistant

Lindsay McAlpine
Research Assistant

Brenda Tang
Administrative Coordinator

Madi Kennedy
Research Assistant

Shea O'Neil
Assistant to the Director