BC Citizens' Assembly 20th Anniversary

In September 2024, the Centre and MASS LBP celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the BC Citizens' Assembly with a series of public dialogues with the public and assembly members. Here are a few resources related to the events:

Event Recording of the Public Dialogue
If you missed our evening event, featuring a dialogue among recent and current Assembly members from Burnaby, Gibsons and New Westminster, the event was recorded and is now up on our YouTube channel.

Article: The Magic That Happens at Citizens’ Assemblies
We're in the news! Read an article in The Tyee reflecting on our events and on the potential and the challenges of landing real policy impacts with assemblies.

Deliberation in Decision-Making Website Page
Learn more about deliberation in decision-making, including case studies, research, tools and resources.

The Deliberative Wave in Canada Posters
Displayed during the evening dialogue, this poster collection captures some significant milestones in deliberative practice in Canada, celebrating their innovations and impacts, while inviting us to envision further possibilities for deliberation in our democracy.

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