
Having your name announced correctly at convocation is important to us. 

SFU is working with NameCoach to collect name pronunciation details from graduating students. It takes less than two minutes to share your details and the earlier you complete the form, the more time our professional name announcers will have to practice and learn to say it right. 

How it works

  1. Graduands will receive an email from this fall, inviting them to record their name via phone or computer and add phonetic spelling or written pronunciation instructions.
  2. Click the personalized link in the email "Record your name and provide pronunciation details".
  3. Complete the form.
    • Add phonetic spelling and/or pronunciation details of your name
      • To spell your name phonetically, break the parts of your names into syllables, capitalizing the letter sounds that one might emphasize when pronouncing your name. 
      • Include all letter sounds that might help a person say your name, even if those same sounds are not present in the actual spelling of your name.
      • Example 1. Raul Gonzalez: rah-OOL gon-SAH-les
      • Example 2. Sofia Lamagna: so-FEE-uh sounds like “lasagna” 
    • Add additional comments regarding your name
      • Notify our name announcers of any additonal information that is relevant to your name.
      • Example 1. Announce my full name including middle name "Elisabeth Anne Smith"
      • Example 2. Announce my last name first, then my first and middle "Tang, Yan Wen"
      • Example 3. goSFU/legal name is "Yan Wen Tang", announce "Anthony Tang" instead
    • Record your name via phone, web recorder or upload
      • Make sure your recorded name matches the phonetic spelling and/or the comments you provided about your name. These should match!
    • Click "Submit".
  4. SFU's professional name announcer(s) will review your details and practice how to say your name.
  5. Attend your convocation ceremony


NameCoach form

There is an error in my name. What do I do?

If there is an error in your name, please contact the following:

Undergraduate graduands:
Graduate graduands:

Do I need to complete the NameCoach form in order to attend convocation?

No. You can still attend your convocation ceremony if you do not complete the form.

Completing the form only helps our name announcer(s) learn and practice your name before your ceremony.

I missed the deadline to complete the NameCoach form. Can I send a late submission? 

We're sorry that you missed the deadline! Unfortunately we can't accept late submissions as our name announcer(s) will be busy reviewing and learning thousands of names for our upcoming ceremonies. 

If you're concerned that your name will be mispronounced, take the following steps:

  1. When you arrive for your ceremony, pick up your parchment from the AQ 3000 Southeast corner.
  2. On the back of your parchment, find the white card with your primary name and other graduation details.
  3. Find a pen.
  4. Write the phonetic spelling and/or pronunciation details clearly, add preferred name(s) or cross out names you don't want announced.

NOTE: If you have a more challenging name to announce, you can connect with our name announcer(s) when you're getting lined up for the procession. The name announcer(s) will be making announcements and walking the lines of graduands. Flag them down and share how to say your name - they'll be more than happy that you did.

Do I need to provide phonetic spelling and/or pronunciation details?

This is optional, however the more information you can provide for our name announcer(s), the better they can learn your name.

Break your name apart into syllables and capitalize letter sounds that need to be emphasized. Consider using "sounds like ------" as an easier way to provide details.

What's the best way for the name announcer(s) to learn my name?

Use the voice recording feature on the NameCoach form.

Will my NameCoach voice recording be used during the ceremony?

No. Your NameCoach voice recording is only used by our name announcer(s) so they can hear exactly how your name is said.

Preferred name

Can I request that my preferred name is announced instead of my first and last name?


When completing your NameCoach form:

  • Indicate in the "Additional comments regarding your name" field your full preferred name, using at least a first and last name
    • Example 1. If your primary name is "Yan Wen Tang", but your preferred name is "Anthony", indicate your full preferred name as "Anthony Tang".
    • Example 2. Announce my full name including middle name "Elisabeth Anne Smith"
    • Example 3. Don't announce my last name "Smith", announce "Jane Goode"
  • When recording your name, record it exactly how you want it announced (full preferred name) and do not record your primary name.

At your ceremony:

  1. Pick up your parchment from the AQ 3000 Southeast corner.
  2. On the back of your parchment, find the white card with your primary name and other graduation details.
  3. Find a pen.
  4. Cross out any names you don't want announced or clearly print your full preferred name.

NOTE: Our name announcer(s) will read your name from the white card before you cross the stage. It is very important that you update your white card with your preferred name to ensure it's announced correctly.

I want my middle name announced. What do I do?

I no longer use my primary last name. What do I do?

Can't attend convocation?

If you're unable to attend your convocation ceremony, you do not need to complete the NameCoach form.

What to if you can't attend

Request to re-send NameCoach invitation

NameCoach invitations have not yet been sent and will be deployed in the fall.

Privacy information

The information you provide via the NameCoach form is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC, 1996, c. 165) s. 26(c)). The information is related directly to and needed by the University to administer the convocation. The information will be used to enhance your convocation experience. If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, please contact: