Convocation ceremony - mortarboard

Graduation Checklist

Can't attend?

What happens if I find I can't attend my convocation?

Undergraduate students

  1. If you do not attend your convocation ceremony, you may pick up your degree parchment at Student Services, Maggie Benston Centre 3200, Burnaby campus, starting the week after Convocation. Check the hours of operation for the Burnaby campus beforehand.
    • Please contact Student Services in advance if you wish to arrange parchment pickup from the Vancouver or Surrey campuses.
  2. If you are unable to pick up your own parchment, you may provide a third-party with authorization to pick it up for you at any of the three campuses.
    • Please follow these instructions.  The authorized individual/third-party will need to bring two pieces of ID (one of which must be photo ID) when picking up your parchment. 

Any parchments not picked up by the end of Convocation month (June or October) will be mailed out to your mailing address on record (on your goSFU account) through regular delivery (without tracking number). Please contact before the end of Convocation month (June or October) if you require priority delivery.

Graduate students

If you do not attend your convocation ceremony, you may pick up your parchment starting the week after convocation.


  • Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Maggie Benston Centre 1100, Burnaby Campus


  • Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

If you are unable to pick up your parchment yourself you may grant third-party authorization to allow someone to pick up your parchment on your behalf. The authorized individual/third-party will need to bring two pieces of ID (one of which must be government-issued photo ID) when picking up your parchment. 

Any parchments not picked up by the end of June will be mailed out to your mailing address on record (on your goSFU account) through regular delivery.

i Note: Your parchment will be mailed to you through regular delivery if it is not picked up by the end of June/October.