Members of the Board of Governors: Nomination

SFU’s Alumni Association plays a key role in the nomination of (2) Alumni Order-in-Council positions to the Board of Governors. The form below is available to alumni to nominate individuals for consideration; the Alumni Council reviews names on an ongoing bases.

The composition of the SFU Board of Governors is dictated by section 19 (1) of the University Act, which specifies the membership of the Board of Governors. The composition is as follows:

The board of a university, other than the University of British Columbia, is composed of 15 members as follows:

(a)   the chancellor;
(b)   the president;
(c)   2 faculty members elected by the faculty members;
(d)   8 persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, 2 of whom are to be appointed from among persons nominated by the alumni association;
(e)   2 students elected from students who are members of an undergraduate student society or a graduate student society;
(f)    one person elected by and from the employees of the university who are not faculty members.

When an Alumni in Council vacancy occurs. All members of SFU’s Alumni Association will be notified of the vacancy and the skills the Board of Governors is seeking. Notification includes a posting on SFU’s website, email communications, and social media inclusive of information on how members of SFU’s Alumni Association can put forth nominations

The Alumni Council will rank nominations and a short list will be compiled. The Executive Director, Alumni Relations (non-voting and ex-officio) will facilitate a dialog with nominees to discuss suitability and interest.

Once willingness is confirmed, alumni nominations will officially be submitted to the province by the Alumni Council on behalf of SFU’s Alumni Association through the office of the University Secretary for appointment.