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LIBDEF macro
- APPLSYS= argument "LIBDEF"
- APPLSYS= argument "Setting Up the Application System (APPLSYS) Macro Library"
- ENGINE= argument
- generating LIBNAME statements "Accessing Libraries through a Server"
- generating LIBNAME statements "Setting Up the Application System (APPLSYS) Macro Library"
- READONLY argument
- RENGINE= argument
- RETRY argument
- RMTVIEW= argument
- SASSAML= argument
- SLIBREF= argument
- syntax
LIBNAME statement
- SEE: LIBDEF macro
- ACCESS= option
- engine options
- example
- generating with LIBDEF macro
- generating with LIBDEF macros
- macro-generated
- OUTREP= option
- PASSWORD= option
- pre-defining libraries
- RENGINE= option
- RMTVIEW= option
- ROPTIONS= option
- SAPW= option
- SERVER= option
- SLIBREF= option
- syntax
- USER= option
library access, restricting
library tables, adding server-library pairs
library-alias tables
- listing
- specifying an alternate
library-alias tables, logging
- SEE: LISTLIB macro
librefs, specifying
LIST option
- LOCK command
- LOCK statement
- FULL argument
- syntax
- syntax
- syntax
local engines,specifying
LOCATEC table function
LOCATEN table function
LOCK command
- example
- setting/clearing locks
- syntax
lock manager facility
LOCK statement
- and source data
- example
- locking SAS files
- return codes
- syntax
locked observations
- checking for
- modifying (example)
locked status, logging
- observations (example)
- SAS data objects
- SAS files, in SAS programs
- SAS files, on UNIX hosts
- SAS table rows in SCL programs
- clearing
- listing
- types of
LOG= option, PROC SERVER statement
LRPYIELD= option
- tuning
LRPYIELD= option, PROC SERVER statement
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