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C program clients
catalog access, cross-architecture restrictions
character translation, cross-architecture access
character-translation tables, cross-architecture access
CIMPORT procedure, cross-architecture access
CLEAR option
- LOCK command
- LOCK statement
client information, viewing (example)
clients, disconnecting from server
CMS hosts
- directory records
- IPL directory record
- IUCV directory record
- MDISK directory records
- minidisks, formatting
- OPTION directory record
- SAS libraries, placing on minidisks
- server environment, creating
- server PROFILE EXEC, creating
- server virtual machine, directory entries for
- USER directory record
- virtual storage size, default
- VM directory entries, creating
CMS hosts, performance
- BLKSIZE= system option
- buffers, size of
- memory allocation
- MEMSIZE= system option
- VIOBUF= system option
- virtual I/O buffers, size of
CNTLLEV= data set option
- changing observations to members
- example
- syntax
COMAMID option
COMAUX options
communication access methods
- encryption services
- multiple per server
- specifying
compatibility, across SAS/SHARE versions
- SEE: cross-release issues
COMPRESS= option
- tuning
COMPRESS= system option, and performance
concurrent-update applications
control rows, locating and fetching
CPORT procedure, cross-architecture access
CPU management
cross-architecture access
- access descriptor file restrictions
- ACCESS procedure restrictions
- architectural groups, character
- architectural groups, numeric
- architectural groups, table of
- capabilities
- catalog access restrictions
- character translation
- character-translation tables
- CIMPORT procedure
- CPORT procedure
- DATA step restrictions
- data translation "Implications of Data Translation"
- data translation "Implications of Data Translation"
- DOWNLOAD procedure
- host differences
- magnitude, loss of
- mixed-type variable restrictions
- natural language differences
- numeric translation
- precision, loss of
- PROGRAM file restrictions
- restrictions and limitations
- SAS file access restrictions
- short numeric restrictions
- UPLOAD procedure
- view file restrictions
cross-release issues
- backward/forward compatibility
- converting data from Version 6 to Version 7 or 8
- data access, limitations
- data objects, accessing in restricted mode
- data sets
- mixing cross-version data files in single library
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