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EBCDIC translation
encryption services
- algorithms
- communications access methods
- example, SAS/CONNECT
- example, SAS/SHARE
- international
- key length
- Message Authentication Codes (MACs)
- North American
- software requirements
- system options
- system requirements
- terminology
end user connections, terminating
end user roles
end users
- access control
- frequently asked questions (FAQs)
end-user applications
- batch processing
- concurrent-update applications
- control rows, locating and fetching
- DATA step processing
- data tables
- detecting modified window values
- error-checking
- external DBMS access
- FSBROWSE procedure
- FSEDIT procedure
- joining remote and local data
- library access
- locking SAS data objects
- locking SAS files
- locking SAS table rows
- macro-generated LIBNAME statements
- model SCL
- modifying auxiliary tables
- non-interactive processing
- observations, checking lock status
- observations, unlocking
- reporting applications
- restoring window values
- return codes, checking
- SAS catalog entries
- SAS/CONNECT programs
- SAS data views
- SAS programming
- sorting shared data
- SQL Pass-Through Facility (RSPT)
- SQL programming
- updating shared data
- validating user changes
ENGINE= argument
- LIBDEF macro
- SERVLIB macro
engines, local
- specifying
engines, remote
- passing options to
- specifying
engines, specifying
error recovery, OS/390 hosts
explicit locks
- clearing
- in a SAS window
- setting
external DBMS access
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