Development of Energy Systems Modeling Teaching Materials

Grant program: Open Educational Resources Grant Program

Grant recipientTaco Niet, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering

Project team: Kamaria Kuling, research assistant

Timeframe: January 2020 to October 2020

Funding: $5,000

Course addressed: SEE 310 – Integrated Energy Solutions II

Final report: View Taco Niet's final report (PDF)

Description: SEE 310 covers a variety of energy systems modeling techniques and model structures. There are a number of open educational resources available that cover part of this course, but none that bring together all the topics into a well-structured course pack. Although there are commercial textbooks available that cover most of the course content there is no open set of materials (lecture slides, etc.) that cover the full scope and breadth of the course. I would like to use existing open source resources and combine them into a course pack for SEE 310 that students can use to support their learning.

Knowledge sharing: For dissemination of the course pack, I will evaluate if the SFU Summit site or a more modeling specific sits is the best approach. If the course pack is successful, we will consider building the material into an open textbook at a later date.
