The Creation and Adaptation of Open Quizzes to Incorporate Interactivity and Individual Studying Pathways

Grant program: Open Educational Resources Grant Program

Grant recipientShivanand Balram, Faculty of the Environment

Project team: Kendra Munn, research assistant

Timeframe: August 2019 to April 2020

Funding: $4,940

Courses addressed

  • GEOG 251 – Quantitative Geography
  • GEOG 351 – Multimedia Cartography

Description: For this project, we plan to identify open quiz banks through general Google and specialized learning objects repository web searches. The identified quizzes will be evaluated for quality and relevance, and then combined with quiz banks I have developed and currently use in multiple courses. The revised quiz banks will be enhanced with more engaging interactivity for the questions, and the creation of individual pathways through each question that is conditioned on student comfort levels with the content. These quiz banks will be directly incorporated into the Canvas courses for both GEOG 251 and GEOG 351. For each course topic, students will view a video and application example, attend a class lecture, complete a computer lab exercise, and then finally answer relevant quiz questions to test their level of mastery of the content. The effectiveness of the quiz banks will be determined from using anonymous student feedback questionnaires implemented at various strategic points during the course.

Knowledge sharing: The intention is to openly license the quiz banks with the help and guidance of the Library and CEE experts. Physical access points such as SFU Summit and personal websites will be pursued.
