Step 2. Prepare & download files from SFU Vault

How to download files from SFU Vault (desktop app) and pepare for migration

There are 3 steps to preparing your Vault file for migration via the SFU Vault app:

  1. Save all your files locally
  2. Locate your SFU folder
  3. Stop the syncing on the SFU Vault App

Part 1: Save all your files locally

Step 1. By default, SFU Vault will not automatically download all your files locally to save space on your hard drive.

To ensure all your files are downloaded and saved locally, select “...” > "Availability" > "Make always available locally" to begin the download process.


Step 2. Once the files are downloaded locally, you will see green checkmarks when you open your SFU Vault folder.


Step 3. Go to "Activity" > "Not Synced" tab to check for any unsynced items. Your files may be unsynced if the file name contains any special characters, such as " * : < > ? / \ |

To resolve this error:

  1. Go to SFU Vault ( on your web browser.
  2. Rename the files to remove special characters. 
  3. Re-sync the files on the SFU Vault desktop app or download the files manually from SFU Vault on your browser.

Part 2: Locate your SFU Vault folder

Step 1. Right-click on SFU Vault icon from the taskbar and select "Open folder sfuvault".

Step 2. Make a note of where is the folder located. This is important so you know where to find your files after pausing the sync in the next part.

Your file path on Window OS may look something like: "C:\Users\computingID\sfuvault2".

Part 3: Stop the syncing on the SFU Vault App

After confirming that all your files have been synced, it is recommended to stop the syncing function on SFU Vault desktop app before proceeding with the migration.

Step 1. Log out of the SFU Vault desktop app by right-click on "SFU Vault icon" on the taskbar > Select "Log out".

Step 2. At this point, your files will no longer sync to your SFU Vault account. You can choose to:

  • Uninstall the dekstop app if you are using an individual-use device, or 
  • Quit the app if you are using a university-managed device.

Step 3. You are now ready to migrate the files to your choice of location: 

  • OneDrive is recommended for individual storage, or
  • Microsoft Teams is recommended for collaborative groups; only available to staff and faculty.

Unsure which solution to choose? For recommendations on how to select the migration solution that matches your needs, go back to Step 1: Review possible migration options to review the options available. 

Note: We recommend keeping your existing files on SFU Vault and even after completing the migration process. It is recommended to have files in SFU Vault as additional backup for the migration.