How to Complete the Postdoc Appointment Form

The Postdoctoral Appointment Form is used to initiate postdoc appointment set-up at the university. 

  • The Appointment Form is a fillable form in Adobe.
  • An Authorizing Signature is required for everyone using the form. Email authorizations are also acceptable.
  • Postdoctoral Appointment form (PDF) 

Note that the Appointment Form must be fully completed in order to be processed. Incomplete forms and/or missing documentation, may result in a delay the process.



Request type, Postdoc Appointment form - Postdoc Name, e.g. Renewal,  Postdoc Appointment form- Smith, J

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1. Primary purpose of initiating the Appointment Form: Select the applicable action corresponding to the appointment.


  • New Appointment: For an individual’s first postdoctoral appointment at SFU.
  • Renewal: For an individual whose current appointment is renewed beyond their current expected appointment end date. This can be with a break or with no break in appointment.
    Please Note: A completed appointment form is required for appointment renewal including page 1 and 2 of the appointment forms. If the postdoc is international and requires a work permit, please include a copy of their passport. CV and unofficial transcript are not required for renewal.
  • Early End: For a current appointment ending early- ending prior to the indicated appointment end date.
    Please Note: Completion of page 1 and Termination Section of the Appointment form is required to document early ends.
  • Funding Source Only: For changes to the accounting string/ project of a current appointment only. All other details of the appointment remain unchanged.
  • Correction/Update: For when a previously submitted appointment form contains incorrect information and is being corrected; or when an update is being made to pay, hours, duties, and vacation during the term of an appointment.


2. Type of Postdoctoral Appointment: select the type of postdoc this individual will be. You may choose more than one type if there will be a combination of different types of postdoctoral appointment based on R50.03 Policy:

3. Postdoctoral Fellow Appointment Details: All details will need to be completed in this section

- Postdoc First and Last Name
- SFU ID if known- leave this blank if employee is new to SFU
- Date Doctorate Completed: If the individual is still in process of completing their Doctorate degree, please indicate the expected completion date.
- Postdoc’s personal contact information including, email, phone number, full current address.
- Start Date and End Date: Refers to start and end date of the appointment if the appointment form is completed for any new appointment or renewal. For correction/update or funding change, start date refers to effective date of the change.
- Department and department contact email: the department they will be working in and the contact person email for question in regards to the appointment.
- Supervisor: The Principal Investigator postdoc will be supervised by at SFU. Please also provide the position ID if known, otherwise SFU ID.
- Job Duties: Required for internal postdocs only. For external postdocs, duties are not required.


4. Document Checklist: Complete and provide the supplementary documents listed if this is the individual’s first postdoctoral appointment at SFU.

Note: Other Proof of Degree documents can be a Doctoral Degree or a letter from current institute stating the expected date of degree completed (if applicable). 


5. Work Eligibility Status: Select the current Canadian work eligibility of the individual.

For International postdocs, please provide a copy of their passport if a work permit is required. SFU Immigration will issue an Offer of Employment Number (OEN) along with the Offer letter or Invitation letter for the postdoc to apply for a Work Permit. Futher information is available on the Immigration Portal. Any questions regarding work permits, please email 


6.Campus Location: Select all SFU Campuses where the postdoc will be working from.

If the postdoc will be working from other locations such as partnering institute/company site, please specify.
For International postdocs who will be applying for a Work Permit with an OEN from SFU, all work locations need to be included, as details of the different work locations are required for SFU to remain compliant with IRCC. If there is insufficient space on the form, please include full address of other work locations in the Comment section on Page 2 of the form.


7. Relocation Reimbursement: If relocation reimbursement is provide please indicate here.

If the postdoc has been offered a relocation package, please include and add the dollar amount that is being reimbursed. If there is other assistance, that is not monetary please specify this in 'Other'. Please contact the RPT team if clarification is needed.

PIs should speak with their employees to calrify what can and cannot be charged to the relocation reimbursement. To explore reimbursement or expense options, please reach out to payment services.

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8. Internal and/or External Postdoc Paid through SFU Details: Complete the respective section for either external or internal appointment or combination of both .

Internal Postdoctoral Appointment:

Postdoc’s Annual Salary: Provide postdoc’s annual salary. For part-time postdocs or partial year appointments, provide their annual salary without pro-rating as MyInfo will calculate prorated pay automatically in the system. Estimated cost of statutory benefits and extended health care are listed on RPT website, the cost is on top of the postdoc’s annual salary:

Full-time or Part-time (internal only): Full time postdocs standard work hours is 35 hours per week.
For Part-time postdocs, please include their bi-weekly work hours . For benefit eligibility, please refer to R50.03 Procedure 5.2.2:

Vacation Entitlement (Internal only): Vacation offered is at supervisor’s discretion but must meet ESA minimum standards of 2 weeks per year:

Please indicate actual annual vacation in weeks without proration , vacation is earned and accrued on MyInfo as postdoc works throughout the year. (Please note, the department is responsible for recording and inputting vacation time taken)

External Appointments Paid and Not Paid Through SFU:

Please complete the payment detail as per their granting agency and name of the award.

Please note there will be no employee statutory deduction and employer statutory benefit cost for external postdoc payments.

9. Funding Details: Include the full funding string for cost of the appointment, please indicate if the funding is for internal appointment salary or external postdoc payments. If funding is from 2 grants please include both funding strings.

10. Ending an appointment early (if applicable, complete).

Appointments that are ending earlier than planned must be documented:

- Completion of page 1 and Termination Section of the Appointment form is required to document early ends.
- Resignations require an email confirmation from employee of last date worked.
- Indicate if remaining unused vacation on MyInfo will be paid out. If postdoc has taken all vacation, please ensure vacation time has been submitted on MyInfo before their last day.
- Appointments that end naturally on the expected end date do not require an Appointment form.


11. Complete the Authorization Section and Review Everything

REVIEW EVERYTHING to ensure all information is included and supporting documents have been gathered.

• Incomplete forms cannot be processed and may cause delays with the appointment process and the individual receiving pay.
SIGN the bottom of page 1.

Note: Finance will accept emails from the Signing Authority on a project, in lieu of the Signing Authority’s signature on the PAF.

CLICK ‘save’ or ‘print’ at the top right to save the PAF to your desktop or drive.

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