The LR Bulletin

Bulletin #20: SFU and Arbitration Update - September 2022

On September 13, 2022, Arbitrator Dorsey issued their decision regarding the definition of research assistants for inclusion in the TSSU going forward. More here.

Bulletin #19: APSA Bargaining Update - December 2021

On Monday December 13th, Arbitrator Dorsey issued his decision on the outstanding matter and provided direction on the application of the funding. The University is pleased that this concluded negotiations with APSA on wages and general economic benefits. More here.

Bulletin #18: RA Bargaining Update

On Wednesday, November 10, 2021, SFU tabled a monetary proposal that sets out a competitive minimum hourly rate for Research Assistants working at the university. When developing our compensation model, we needed to consider the highly diverse nature of work conducted by Research Assistants, the flexibility required by PIs who receive very limited grant funding, and not limiting PIs’ ability to increase hourly rates as required to attract and retain individuals in more generously funded or highly competitive fields. More here.

Bulletin #17: APSA Bargaining Update - May 2021

While the Parties have made significant progress to date, we have mutually agreed to engage the assistance of a Mediator at this time to facilitate the conclusion of the outstanding items. To this end, the Parties have selected Mediator Jim Dorsey and the University is optimistic that an agreement will be reached with Mr. Dorsey’s assistance.  More here.

Bulletin #16: Unionizing in British Columbia

In British Columbia, if a group of employees wishes to form or join a trade union, the BC Labour Relations Code applies. This legislation governs the rights and prohibitions in relation to activities of trade unions, and all unions, employers and employees are bound by it. Once represented by the union, how do the employees get their terms and conditions? What about benefits and wage increases? Find out here.

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Bulletin #15: Summary of JCRC Mediation Agreement

We are pleased to announce an agreement has been reached between the University (SFU) and the Administrative and Professional Staff Association (APSA) regarding the Joint Compensation Review Committee (JCRC)’s mandate “to consider and make recommendation(s) towards the development and implementation of a total compensation package”. More here.

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Bulletin #14: Bargaining Update - December 2020

In April we were able to reach an expedited settlement with TSSU which resulted in changes to non-monetary articles in the CA and a 2% GWI in each of the 3 years of the agreement.  However, bargaining continued for Graduate Facilitators in the Student Learning Commons, who were certified into TSSU in June 2019. More here.

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Bulletin #13: Bargaining Update - April 2020

The University is pleased to inform the community that three of our unions, CUPE, Poly Party and TSSU have all ratified their Memorandum of Agreement, to conclude collective bargaining. More here.

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Bulletin #12: Bargaining Update - September 2019

Since the inclusion of Graduate Facilitators (GFs) into the TSSU bargaining unit in June 2019, we have dedicated a significant amount of time negotiating their terms and conditions of employment.  As GFs are a brand new group of employees to this collective agreement, negotiating their language takes considerable time and attention to ensure that it accurately reflects the work they do. We have made significant progress, but there is more work to do with GFs. More here

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Bulletin #11: A New Sick Leave Protocol for CUPE Employees

Exciting news for CUPE employees and supervisors – a new way of managing sick leave is on the way! In September 2016, a CUPE policy grievance on sick leave led to a mediated Sick Leave Protocol which was intended to resolve the policy grievance and improve the administration of sick leave.  The University has been managing CUPE sick leave this way since late 2017, but the Sick Leave Protocol has proved prescriptive and difficult to administer. More here

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Bulletin #10: Bargaining update - The Best Laid Plans...

After initially meeting in April and exchanging proposals, the two bargaining teams took some time in May to consider cost, and prepare questions and counter-proposals.  It was agreed that June would be a concentrated period of bargaining with weekly meetings to create some real momentum towards a negotiated agreement. More here


Bulletin #9: Bargaining update - Who Benefits From Temporary Employment?

As a large organization, SFU offers a wide range of employment opportunities – trades, clerical, instructors and technicians.  While the majority of our employees are employed on continuing terms there is always a need in any organization to employ staff to fill vacant positions or to perform short term work assignments on a temporary basis. More here


Bulletin #8: Bargaining update - Overview of Session 1

After the exchange of proposals at our first meeting, both TSSU and the University have had the opportunity to ask some clarifying questions and start work on nailing down the key issues to create a mutually supportive Collective Agreement. More here


Bulletin #7: TSSU Bargaining Has Started

The University and TSSU met on April 3rd, to commence collective bargaining. During a productive meeting, the parties gave their respective opening positions and outlined their priorities. More here.


Bulletin #6: Residence Student Staff in Residence & Housing have joined CUPE

On December 5, 2017, the University received notice from the Labour Relations Board that CUPE had applied to bring several Residence Student Staff positions in Residences & Housing into the bargaining unit. More here

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Bulletin #5: Collective Bargaining 2019

We are pleased to announce that collective bargaining will commence on April 3rd between the Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU) and SFU. More here.

Bulletin #4: The Road to Bargaining

All of the University’s agreements with the Unions and APSA expire this year, and we are anticipating a busy round of contract negotiations. Bargaining dates are still to be determined, but we expect to start in the early spring. More here


Bulletin #3: Collective Bargaining Updates, What is PSEC?

This is the first of a series of bulletins and updates on the process of Collective Bargaining and our preparation for meeting with our Unions and Association. In this issue we are looking at the role of the Public Sector Employers’ Council (PSEC). More here.

Bulletin #2: Changes to Employee Standards Act– Pregnancy, Parental and Compassionate Care Leaves 

On April 9, 2018, the BC government introduced changes to the BC Employment Standards Act (ESA) through Bill 6 which was then passed by the BC Legislature on April 12, 2018. These changes to the ESA came into effect on May 17, 2018, following changes to federal Employment Insurance (EI) provisions made December 3, 2017. Changes to the ESA address pregnancy and parental leave benefits, compassionate care leave, and leaves pertaining to the death or loss of a child. More information here.

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Bulletin #1: SFU’s Employee and Family Assistance program 

The EFAP (Employee and Family Assistance Program) is available to all continuing full-time and part-time APSA, CUPE, APEX, and Poly Party employees, as well as employees in the English Language & Culture/Interpretation & Translation Program (ELC/ITP).  More information here.

*Note:  Temporary employees who are also students are able to access counselling services through our Student Health Programs in Health & Counselling.