Undergraduate Courses

Past Courses



Summer 2023

GSWS 101-3 Gender Talk (B-Soc) | Fung
GSWS 205-3  Gender and Popular Culture | Faris
GSWS 318-4 ST-Gender & Sexuality in Indigenous Film and Literature | Scudeler
(***Students who have taken GSWS 211 STT:  Gender and Sexuality in Indigenous Film and Literature may not take this course for furhter credit.***)
GSWS 320-4 ST: Critical Studies of Marriage | Bullock
GSWS 331-4 Queer Genders | Fung
GSWS 333-4 ST:  The Sexual and Gendered Relations of Property | Withers
GSWS 398W-4 Feminist Currents | Patterson
GSWS 399-4 Gender, Sex and Numbers | Muller Myrdahl (Intersession)
GSWS 411-4 ST:  Feminist Media & Cultural Studies | Patterson


Additional course outlines can be found on at