Past Events


May 10, 2024, Double Book Launch: The Regulation of Queer, Trans and Disabled Bodies, (Ruth Wynn Woodward Jr. Chair), World Art Centre.

March 9, 2024, The Voiceless Rise Up: the #MeToo in China Exhibition and Documentary Screening, (Co-sponsored event presented by David Lam Centre and and UniCome Chinese Queer Feminist Group), 312 Main Street, Vancouver. 

February 27, 2024, Multilingual SFU Week: Multilingual Pronoun Button Making Social, SFU Burnaby Campus


May 27, 2023: Places, Histories, Communities: Exploring Queer Asian Identities through Zine-Making, SFU Harbour Centre: co-sponsored event with UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative, SFU Institute For Transpacific Cultural Research, and Queer Reads Library. 


June 23, 2022. Film Screening of “Nelly Queen : The Life and Times of Jose Sarria.” Part of Surrey Pride. Canadian premiere screening. Surrey Campus, Part of the Margaret Lowe Benston Series in Social Justice.

February 21 - May 16, 2022. FREE Writing Program for LGBTQ2SI+ and allies 14-25 years. Provided by Youth For A Change (Y4AC). Writer in Residence Dr Claire Robson. Online event. 


December 4, 2021: "Emergence: Out of the Shadows" Film Screening, Surrey Campus, Part of the Margaret Lowe Benston Series in Social Justice.

November 20, 2021: “A Closer look at Canada’s LGBT Purge,” Film Screening: The Fruit Machine (Dir. Sarah Fodey, 2018, Canada), Surrey Campus

March 26, 2021: GSWS Acts - Cyndia Cole

February 19, 2021: GSWS Reads: QUIRK-E Book Launch


October 30, 2019: Supporting Trans Inclusion in Everyday Life, Morris J Wosk Centre for Dialogue

April 6, 2019: Canadian South Asian Youths Conference: Identity, Gender, Sexuality, Employment, and Activism, SFU Harbour Centre

April 26-27th, 2019: Unthinking Sex, Imagining Asexuality: Intersectional and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue

February 28, 2019: Screening and Panel Discussion of "My Name was January," Metro Vancouver Premiere, Panelists: Alex Sangha, Elina Gress, Lenee Son, Velvet Steele and Natasha Adsit, Westminster Savings Lecture Theatre, SFU Surrey

January 15, 2019: “Transgender Kids Are Not New: History as a Tool for Justice,” Julian Gill-Peterson, Harbour Centre, Vancouver


February 2, 2018: Book Launch: Basically Queer: An intergenerational introduction to LGBTQA2S+ lives edited by Claire Robson, Kelsey Blair, and Jen Marchbank; Introduction by Shirley R. Steinberg, Venables Hall, Vancouver

February 26, 2018: Book Launch: Basically Queer: An intergenerational introduction to LGBTQA2S+ lives edited by Claire Robson, Kelsey Blair, and Jen Marchbank; Introduction by Dr. Lara Campbell, SFU Surrey Campus

March 27, 2018: “Third Gender: Beautiful Youths in Japanese Prints,” a talk by Asato Ikeda, Harbour Centre, Vancouver

March 29, 2018: “6 Years in Gay Conversion Therapy,” Author Peter Gajdics reads from his book, The Inheritance of Shame: A Memoir, Harbour Centre, Vancouver

May 25, 2016:  Public Discussion on the Proposed Comfort Women Peace Statue

April 8, 2016:  Seminar by Dr. Mary McAuliffe - Radical Politics, Radical Choices, Radical Lives: the Women of 1916

April 7, 2016:  Public Lecture by Dr. Mary McAuliffe - Realists and Idealists: Women of the Easter Rising, 1916

April 6, 2016:  Kiera Anderson, "(Don't you) forget about me: Lifting up the voices of rape survivors in social movements" and Luna K.C., "Changing Gender Roles: Women, Livelihoods and Post Conflict Security in Nepal"

January 15, 2016:  Dr. Joan Sangster  -  "Rediscovering Radical Histories: 'Second Wave' Feminists and the Popularization of Canadian History."


November 2, 2017:  Asexual countercultures:  Exploring Ace Communities and Intimacies

September 23, 2017:  The Rosemary Brown Annual Memorial Conference –Gender Sexuality and Disability Justice

June 25, 2017:  SFU Surrey Pride – history exibit


November 14, 2016:  Elder Abuse in the LGBTQA Community

October 19, 2016:  Rob Bittner on identity, issues and topics affecting LGBTQ youth and adults, Traveling Speakers Series

September 6, 2016: Dr. Liz Millward as she discusses her new book:  Making A Scene: Lesbians and Community Across Canada, 1964-1984

July 14, 2016:  Don't Let Them Know - Love, Sexuality and the South Asian Family.  This event is part of Indian Summer Festival 2016


June 5, 2015: Conference panel - A Decade of Influence: Revisiting Halberstam’s In a Queer Time and Place, Chair: Tiffany Muller Myrdahl

June 5, 2015: Queer Times, Queer Spaces and Transgender Lives: Ten Years Later Lecture & reception with Jack Halberstam

June 2, 2015: There Goes the Gayborhood? Author Meets Critics with Amin Ghaziani, Panel & reception Amin Ghaziani, University of British Columbia, Dara Parker, QMUNITY, Holly Sovdi, City of Vancouver, Tiffany Muller Myrdahl, Simon Fraser University

May 22, 2015: CWILA* Presents: Lucas Crawford (Critic-in-Residence 2015) and Shannon Webb-Campbell (Critic-in-Residence 2014) Reading and in Conversation

March 12, 2015: Transgender Hirstory in the Making: Screening and Talk with Chris Vargas

March 6, 2015: Nguyen Tan Hoang - Bottomhood Is Powerful

January 12, 2015: Queer History in Vancouver Edit-a-thon: 2015-01-12

January 8, 2015: Marc Stein - Sex with Neighbours: Canada and Canadians in the "U.S." Homophile Press


October 14, 2014:  Megan Morman - Artist’s Talk with fat queer artist

March 24, 2014: Dr. Susan Stryker -  the Transgender Turn, Margaret Lowe Benston Series

March 21, 2014: Book Launch & Reading – The Bridge Generation: A Queer Elders’ Chronicle from No Rights to Civil Rights, Edited by host artists Claire Robson and Kelsey Blair

March 13, 2014: “Re-mapping Anorexia: Trans-ordered Eating and Affect”, Public Lecture by Dr. Janis Ledwell-Hunt, Vancouver Island University, Fat Matters


November 21, 2013: Dr. Bidisha Ray - 'Stuck in the middle with you': The story of India's transgendered Hijra community, Herstory Cafe


January 27, 2012: Jessica Yee, "Feminism for Real in the Academic Feminist Classroom" Workshop, HC Campus, Vancouver

January 27, 2012: Jessica Yee, "Marginalization Doesn't Happen by Accident: Colonialism and Violence from the State" Lecture/Book Signing, HC Campus, Vancouver


January 20, 2011: Herstory Café: "Awfully Devoted Women, Lesbian Lives in Canada 1900-65" Book Launch by Cameron Duder. Co-sponsored

March 30, 2011: Book launch and discussion: Kouri T. Keenan & Joan Brockman, "Mr Big" and Rebecca Haskell & Brian Burtch "Get that Freak: Homophobia and Transphobia in High Schools," (Fernwood Publishing) at Ardea Books and Art

August 26-30,2011: Ann Ceutkovich and Jessica Yee , "We Demand: History/Sex/Activism in Canada" Conference and Film Program, Pacific Cinematieque, Vancouver, BC


August 18, 2010: Dr. Helen Leung hosted the Archival Classic! programme at Vancouver's Queer Film Festival this year with the screening of Stanley Kwan's 1996 documentary Yang ± Yin: Gender In Chinese Cinema. Vancity Theatre.  Discussion follows.

October 14, 2010: Press release: Rebecca Haskell, Brian Burtch, "Get That Freak: Homophobia and Transphobia in High Schools" Fernwood Publishing.

October 30, 2010: Fundraising event for Surrey Pride 2011. "Something Wicked," The Blue Corvette Longe, Surrey. 

November 20, 2010: "Transgender Day of Remembrance." An occasion to memorialize those who were killed due to hatred or prejudice. 

November 23, 2010: "Contemporary Refugee Issues" Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Refugees, Vancouver Public Library


February 10, 2006: Leslie Feinberg, “Transformations,” Vancouver Public Library.

October 4, 2007: Susan Stryker, “Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton’s Cafeteria”

October 12, 2007: David Halperin, “What do Gay Men Want? An Essay on Sex, Risk, and Subjectivity”

March 13, 2008: Helen Hok-Sze Leung, “Local Sex on Global Screens: Reflections on the New Queer Asian Cinema”

November 21, 2008: Louis-Georges Tin at SFU Harbour Centre, Vancouver, “Deconstructing Homophobia: Asserting LGBT Rights in a Globalized World”