Undergraduate Courses

Undergraduate Educational Goals

I Display disciplinary knowledge of core concepts of gender and sexuality
1. Students can understand and evaluate some of the major intellectual theories and scholarship relevant to the field of gender and sexuality
2. Students can engage in critical debates from a range of theoretical perspectives
3. Students can think critically about how core concepts of gender and sexuality shape research inquiry
4. Students can identify and evaluate culturally and historically specific constructions of genders and sexualities

II Develop Transferable Skills and Information Literacy

1. Students will be able to find and filter print, digital, and visual data relevant to the study of gender, sexuality, and identity
2. Students will be able  to contextualise, assess, and critique relevant data
3. Students will be able to effectively communicate in written and oral formats
4. Students will engage in independent and collaborative tasks
5. Engage in and develop research skills at an appropriate level

III Analyze and assess the concept of gender with an intersectional focus
1. Students will evaluate how gender  intersects with categories of race, ethnicity, class, gender identity, sexuality, and/or dis/ability
2. Understand and explain the concepts of privilege and oppression in relation to the above categories

IV  Analyze assess, and apply interdisciplinary approaches to gender and sexuality

1. Students can gather evidence to support a research question
2. Students can formulate a supported position based on assessment of scholarly research
3. Students can understand, interpret and critique complex sources of research

V Display Engaged and Empathetic Citizenship
1. Students can demonstrate critical awareness of local and global issues of social justice
2. Students engage with issues of inequality, oppression and justice in relation to gender and other identities
3. Students engage with local, national and/or global communities