GSWS Feminist Book Club - September 2024

September 17, 2024

A Brother's Price

Wen Spencer

Roc (2005)

A Brother’s Price was a very interesting read - a read it seems a lot of people don’t know about, as it’s a hard book to get a hold off. We didn’t necessarily think it was a good book, we actually all agreed that it had a lot of problems. It was however entertaining and silly - a page-turner. We thought it lacked in exploring ideas that were presented and pushing the boundaries it promised to and it wasn’t particularly deep or analytical which we expected from a gender-reversed book. We loved that it was a woman's empowerment book, with strong women characters, however much over the top the novel was. We were never bored and once we started seeing it as a silly romance, rather than a political commentary it was easy to remain entertained. It was predictable escapism, but we would read a sequel and we had a wonderful discussion where we were more in agreement than usually.
