Undergraduate Student Research Awards

Undergraduate Student Research Awards

Choosing a USRA

The Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) program provides opportunities for undergraduate students to be part of a major research project, supervised by a university professor.

For more information

If you have any questions or are interested in Departmental USRAs, please contact your academic unit.

Value and Duration

Full-Time USRAs

The USRA program supports undergraduate students working in a graduate level research capacity with an academic supervisor. USRA payments are now considered employment income. Visit this page for more information.

Duration: 16 weeks, 35 hours per week

This USRA is derived from two sources; the 'award' portion and a Faculty supplement. The award portion and the faculty supplement that you receive, before benefit deductions, will not be less than minimum wage.

Part-Time USRAs

The VPR Social Sciences & Humanities USRA is the only award which can be held part time. USRA payments are now considered employment income. Visit this page for more information.

Duration: 16 weeks, 17.5 hours per week

This USRA is derived from two sources; the 'award' portion and a Faculty supplement. The award portion and the faculty supplement that you receive, before benefit deductions, will not be less than minimum wage.

USRA Table

There are various USRAs available with funding coming from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), SFU's Vice-President, Research (VPR) with additional awards funded through donors and/or departments.

Use the information below to find out which USRA is a fit for you. 

Review Eligibility

Please review the genereal eligibility to apply and to hold a USRA. 

Triagencies (NSERC, CIHR and SSHRC)

Citizenship Eligibility
CDN/PR International SFU Student Non SFU Student
Citizenship Eligibility
CDN/PR International SFU Student Non SFU Student

VPR Social Sciences & Humanities

Citizenship Eligibility
CDN/PR International SFU Student Non SFU Student
Citizenship Eligibility
CDN/PR International SFU Student Non SFU Student