Problem and Discussion

Study Design and Hypothesis
Research Background
Data Sources
Spatial Analysis
Problems and Discussion

1. The  Accuracy of  DEM

              DEM is surface data model to interpret the spatial point data into surface. The data point data will be changed a lot depending on the methods. It has great potential to create very big errors if the methods are not selected properly.  Some of surface may have extreme big values out of the point boundary. Some of techniques have to be used at this time to reclassify or exclude the any points out of boundary.         

2. Excluding the Errors From Original Data

           During creating the factor surface layers, it is important to set some boundary. For example, soil moisture values are very lower because some of  data were measured near water and riverside. These groups of the data have no relation with the elevation. After some of these soil moisture data points were take off, the relation between soil moisture and elevation becomes clear.
         The relation between temperature and elevation is not clear in terms of linear or nonlinear in the beginning. The temperature at the snow linear is always closer to zero. The snow line is up elevation boundary. When this point data was added into data sets, it makes the linear relation clear and reducing the errors in the spatial analysis.

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