Conceptual Outline

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    For my project, I wanted to look at the optimal sites for building a new venue location for the 2010 Winter Olympics.  To date, there has been speculation as to where certain venues will be located.  Vancouver would host the ice sports that would include figure skating, ice skating, hockey and curling while Whistler would be host to the snow sports that would include cross-country skiing, biathalon, snowboarding, bobsleigh and downhill skiing to name a few events.  I have a strong interest in the Olympics as it can have a profound affect on the Greater Vancouver Regional District in terms of the direction of growth, development and transportation issues (see previous GIS projects that deal with such topics here) over the next couple of decades.  Though the decision as to which city to host the Olympics will not be announced until July 2003, the ideas that have been put forth so far may influence the approach that will be taken if Vancouver-Whistler is granted the 2010 Olympics.

Ross Rebagliati at the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics on his way to his controversial Gold Medal.
(Yeah, like the substance in question was a performance enhancing chemical.  If anything it was a handicap - the margin of victory would of been larger if he didn't have it in his system.)


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