Spatial Analysis

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Now that the data was prepared into Idrisi format, the analysis for this project could get underway.  The purpose of this project is to see the optimal location of a new Olympic venue in Vancouver if Vancouver-Whistler was to be granted the 2010 Winter Olympics.

There were two Multi-Criteria Evaluations (MCE) utilized in this project.  Both utilized eight variables in the project - seven which were used in both and they were:

The difference between the two is that one MCE used a Skytrain Station buffer (MCEVENUE) while the other used a Skytrain line buffer (MCEVENUE1).

As you can see, there is a noticeable difference between the two in terms of areas considered suitable.  An OVERLAY operation was used to show the difference (MCEVENUE1 - MCEVENUE).

With the MCE results, the DISTANCE operation was used to help provide the FUZZY operation what was needed to show a gradual suitability from the areas that were deemed acceptable by the MCE operations.


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