cueball's site

Greetings, you have stumbled across my humble website.

My name is Andrew Nip

This website is primarily for my GEOG 355 Technical Issues in GIS semester project.  I am student majoring in  Geography, Environmental Specialty and minoring in Sociology at Simon Fraser University.  I am also planning on receiving a Certificate in Liberal Arts and currently contemplating completing the SIS Certificate.  Depends really on how much longer I want to be in school.  What's another year or two?  To stay sane in the sea of school work, I am involved with the Geography Student Union as well as the Aikido Club.


Now the question that is probably running through your head right now - "what does this picture have anything to do with Andrew's GIS project?"  Nothing really, other than the fact that I'm praying that my project looks better than my haircut . . .

See this?  This is why you never let a group of people cut your hair!  You're asking to look like a sheepdog on chemotherapy!
(*sigh* . . . the crazy things I do for work . . . )

(if you really want to know more about why my hair turned out this way, contact me)

But I've digressed.  So here goes - my GIS project.