of Cabin Location
on the MacPhail Property
near 70 Mile House, British Columbia

Project Components:

1.0    Introduction
1.1  Project Selection
1.2  The Spatial Question
1.3  Accuracy of the Project
1.4  Data Not Used
2.0    Data Acquisition
2.1  Digital Elevation Model
2.2  Vegetation Type
2.3  Sandhill Crane Location
3.0    Project Design
3.1 Design Selection
4.0    Spatial Analysis
4.1  Constraints
4.2  Factors
4.3  MCE
5.0    Reporting of Results
5.1  Final Map
5.2  Boolean Output
6.0    Analyzing Methodology and Operational Errors
6.1  Number of Rows and Columns within Raster
6.2  Raster Overlay Problem
6.3  Accuracy