5.1 Final Map

Map of Final Output

From the Final Output it is easy to see that there are many possible cabin site.  At the same time the map communicates the areas which were not acceptable.  It is interesting that areas within the wetland were selected.  This would be due to the high score of the other factors within the analysis, such as not being close to the Sandhill Crane nesting site and the low slope within the area.  Further analysis could be performed to reduce the site locations further, however it would have been important to discussion further analysis with Liz before moving ahead.

5.2 Boolean Map
Map of Boolean Output

The Boolean Output demonstrates the restrictions of this type of analysis, in that any location which met most of the criteria where eliminated, since they did not meet all of the criteria.  If you compare the two maps there are sites which might have made an excellent cabin location, but would not have been considered if this analysis method was utilized.

Unfortunately no GIS analysis can solve the Mosquitoes!!!!

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